Chapter 3: Contact

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High above the skies of New York City.........

A bright ball of light appears with a thundering boom, then it subsides, and a strange creature appears in it's place.

Discord begins surveying his new surroundings.

"Ah yes, it feels sooooo good to stretch out again." He says as he flies around the clouds.

"And this change of scenery should do me some good. Equestria has certainly gotten much duller since SNORE-Lestia and that BORE Luna took over." He monolouges to himself.

He then notices what appears to be a large city beneath him. Discord snaps his fingers, and a pair of binoculars appear in his hands. He peers through them. He sees that the city is extremely developed and advanced, with motorized vehicles and bi-pedal ape like creatures walking through the streets.

At this point, Discord knows exactly where he is.

"Why, I'm back on EARTH!" He shouts to himself with joy.

"Oh how long has it been? Two, maybe three thousand years now? I remember how boresome and primitive these humans were. But now look at you. My how you all have grown and advanced. I KNEW you all had potential my little specimens. Oh how I shall enjoy reining my chaos upon you all."

Then something else catches his notice. It appeared to be some sort of explosion. Gunfire could also be heard.

"What pray tell, is this?" He wonders.

He snaps his fingers again, and the binoculars turn into a telescope. Discord looks through it, is amazed with what he sees.

Giant bi-pedal metal creatures, fighting and shooting each other.

"Why new players, this should prove interesting."

But what Discord sees next nearly floors him. A familiar purple unicorn, using her horn to emit a magical force field to protect a group of humans from laser fire. He then sees her fire some bolts from her horn at several of the metal giants.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE??!! What in Tatarus is SHE doing here.... on EARTH???" Discord said bewildered.

Then he places his eagle claw under his chin in thought.

"Actually, this might make my game, a little more...... enjoyable....MMMM, Hahahahaha!

Nearly 2 hours ago

Bumblebee pulls up to what appears to be a giant metal metropolis. It was a sight to see, though granted most of the buildings were still unfinished as he mentioned earlier.

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