Chapter 33- Havoc & Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

"Jagi! You wouldn't leave would you? Come back home and I'll take good care of you! I promise!!", Jungkook shouted desperately, fists colliding with GD's. "Just give it a rest!!! If you really want her better then you'll give her a break!!! I'd say the same for you too!! Both of you need withdrawal!!", GD pleaded, frightened by the glare of hatred in Jungkook's eyes. 

Jungkook pushed GD to the ground and tried to loom over him, but GD slid back on his feet and ran to Y/N's side. He grabbed her hand tightly and helped her off the bench. Jungkook watched angrily as the love of his life was being stolen from him before his eyes. 

"Let's go.", GD whispered. "Where to?", Y/N asked timidly. 

"To my dorm. The boys and I will take care of you. Run!!" 

The two bolted down the street, Jungkook immediately going after them. "I'm not finished with you, hyung!! You're gonna pay the price for being near Y/N!!", he shrieked picking up his speed. Y/N gasped and urged GD to go faster. Whatever energy she had left was draining rather quickly. But if she stopped now, Jungkook would surely catch her. The wounds on her legs burned with every movement, but she had to push through the pain. 

GD pulled the girl along with her as fast as he could, the only thing on his mind being getting Y/N to safety. Jungkook still followed behind them, shouting disturbing threats at him, not that he was listening. 

GD spotted the dorm after another few blocks and ran up to the door. He flung it open and quickly ushered Y/N inside, who gladly obliged. Jungkook tried to push past and go after his love, only for his shirt collar to be grabbed. GD tossed Jungkook backwards towards the road.

 "Don't even think about trying to get to her. For the last time, if you really want things between you and Y/N to get better, you'll let her rest. Which you need to do also. Look, I know you love her and everything, and I do too, but you really need to give her a break. Think of all the good things that will come out of this in the meantime. You guys could wind up together forever if everything is resolved, who knows? All I'm asking is that you give her and yourself a break from all the pain and suffering. A few weeks at most. Now if I were you, I'd head back home.",

 GD stood sternly with a fixed gaze on his junior. The sad look in Jungkook's eyes was enough to make anyone feel guilty, but this was a deed definitely worth doing. Jungkook sadly nodded and headed back the opposite direction. GD entered the dorm, shutting and locking the door behind him. 

Jungkook's P.O.V 

The second I heard the door of Big Bang's dorm shut, I turned back around. If anything, I wanted one more look at my Jagi before going back home. I snuck around all parts of the building, making sure Ive not been spotted by anyone. That's when I came across a certain window. I stood on my tiptoes to see inside. It was an empty bedroom at first, but the lump under the blanket traced my eyes to the sleeping face of Y/N. 

Now that I see her up close, she really does look exhausted...  All around her eyes are dark purple and swollen. How did I not see it before? Maybe she covered it well with her makeup. She layed in a curled up position, wrapped up in a little burrito. My heart both melted and shattered at the precious sight. Oh how I wanted to be next to her. To hold her and keep her warm and kiss her and- now I can't. Maybe hyung is right. We really do need a break.

I've been so caught up in making her MINE that I couldn't even see how bad I was hurting her. Sorrow and shame washed over me like a tidal wave. Suddenly, I found myself sobbing.

 "I don't know when I'll have you to myself again, I want you to know, I'm so sorry for everything I've done. And I mean every little thing. I never wanted it to turn out like this. But it's all my fault... I really hope you get better, Jagi. It hurts so much to see you suffering, but even more  because of me. If this is what it takes for things to become better, then I'm willing to try. I already HATE this. Every day, every minute, every second I'm not with you will drive me even crazier 

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