Chapter 32- Miss Me?

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Y/N's P.O.V. 

"W-What...", I muttered as Jungkook drew closer, causing fear to bubble up inside of me. He giggled, backing me against the wall. "Did you not hear me, Jagi? I did what I had to do.", he whispered into my ear, making me shudder. Why is he being like this? What went on while he was in here? 

"It was the only way, Jagi. It was the only way I was going to keep you to myself. Everything I've done for you was to keep us together!!! All of this was for you!!! Don't you understand Jagi that you are MINE!!!!", he started raising his voice, an unfamiliar glimmer in his eyes. It was almost evil. "I'M NEVER LOSING YOU, DO YOU HEAR ME!!!", he screamed. "NO MATTER WHAT, YOU BELONG RIGHT HERE!!! FoReVeR!!!", a maniacal laugh erupted out of him as I sank to the floor to escape him.

"Not if I can help it..." I shoved past him and rose to my feet, the chains terribly weighing down my legs. "Oh no you don't!!!", Jungkook yelled, chasing after me. I ran to his door and rammed it open, causing immense pain in my side. I bolted down the stairs and headed for the front door, about to grab the handle before I tripped. 

I turned to see Jungkook holding one of the dangling chains, dragging me closer to him. I began screaming and kicking, looking for any way to get down. "Let me go!!", I shouted, clawing at the floor to stop myself. "Not gonna happen, Jagi. You get to stay right here, with me. Doesn't that sound lOvElY??!!", he chuckled. Only in your dreams, buddy. 

Finally, I stopped moving. I could practically feel him smiling behind me. He walked in front of me and knelt down, stroking my cheek. "See, now that wasn't so hard. Now we can go back upstai-", I clocked him in the face, making him fall and shout in pain. I quickly got up and sprinted out the door, locking it from the outside. I could hear Jungkook screaming and banging on the door as I ran down the street. It was super dark outside, practically pitch black. It was probably midnight for all I care. 

I let out a long sigh, jogging even further down the path. The city was empty by now, resembling a ghost town. What I would give to be in bed sleeping right now. And I mean actually SLEEPING. My jogging slowed down to a walk as I grew tired, me deciding to wander around the deserted area. Eventually, I came across a local park. My eyes located a bench, that which I strolled to and sat down on. I looked around a couple times, still paranoid that Jungkook was out here watching me. I can't bear the thought of him anymore. Not after what just happened. I can't stay with him. I just can't.... 

Tears of frustration spilled from my eyes, which I allowed to fall. The only sound emitted from the park was rustling leaves, my sobs, and some...footsteps?! Oh no. No no no no no!! Not today satan, not today!!! I set by head down and pretended to be asleep, hearing the footsteps come closer. 'Please go past me, please go past me!!', I prayed, squeezing my eyes even more. 

After a few seconds the footsteps stopped. Right next to me. God why is luck never on my side??!! The park bench creaked loudly, meaning somebody sat there. Oh god leave me alone dude!! The feeling of eyes on me washed over me, which I got sick of rather quickly. Feeling brave, I hesitantly turned to look at who was next to me. And I was not even close to prepared for who I saw... 

"Miss me, baby?", GD whispered, smiling creepily. 


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