Chapter 9- The Bangtan Vlogs: Part 1

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Y/N's P.O.V

I sat at the kitchen table, still thinking about how I was going to do vlogs with the boys. 'If I include all of them in one video, then they'd just beg for my attention.... especially Jungkook.' I thought.

An imaginary lightbulb popped up above my head suddenly. 'What if I do a video with each individual member? That could work.' That was pretty much the only solution I had in my head at that moment.

"Guys, I think I know how we can do the vlogs!!" My voice made everyone lift their heads up.

"How?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head.

"Ok, this is the only thing I thought would work, but I was thinking I could do a video with each of you individually." I answered.

"Actually, that's a good idea! When do you want to start?" J-Hope spoke up, curiosity in his voice. "Well, I was thinking we could start tomorrow, just so I hopefully won't be stressed in the morning." Once again, I answered a question.

Jungkook seemed to frown when I mentioned being stressed. "Why are you stressed, Jagi?!" He almost shouted.

I sighed. "The whole dancing thing has had me down for a while." I didn't like bringing that up.

Jungkook rushed forward and hugged me....for the millionth time. "I'm sorry we made you talk about it. We were just worried about you, especially me." He sounded very sad while speaking to me.

I returned his hug and rubbed his back, hoping to calm him down slightly. "Hey, don't feel bad. If any one of you felt that way, I'd wanna know what was going on, too."

He squeezed me one more time before letting me go. He looked at me, smiling. I smiled back, not wanting to be rude.

3rd Person P.O.V

When Jungkook heard that Y/N would help any if the members if they were feeling down, he grew excited.

'Does that mean my Jagi would be there for me?! I could be dying and she'd be there to help me?! *sigh* She's going to be an excellent girlfriend, and wife, in the future!!!' He was jumping for joy in his head by then.

"Is there any FAIR way to choose who goes first? Because I feel like I'm picking favorites if I do it myself." Y/N asked the boys.

"We could do rock paper scissors!" Namjoon suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement.

The boys got in a circle and started playing. After the first shot, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Namjoon were out. All the was left was Jin, J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook.

Jungkook was praying to God that he would get to go first in Y/N's video. ShE wAs HiS, so it made sense that he got to her bEfOrE EvErYoNe eLsE.

The next round played out, and unfortunately, he lost. Both Taehyung and himself lost to Jimin. He wAs NoT hAvInG tHiS! However, he didn't want to scare Y/N So he kept his anger to himself.

Jimin did a little celebratory dance around the room, happy that he got to appear in Y/N's vlog.

Jungkook silently glared at his hyung, meanwhile Taehyung just pouted. It was pretty obvious who was more upset.

Luckily, Y/N didn't seem to notice, so she just congratulated Jimin. That seemed to set Jungkook off and he let out a low growl. His hands were curled into fists, making his knuckles turn white from squeezing so hard.

Jimin smiled and giggled at Y/N.

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