Chapter 29- Please......No

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Omg that pic creeps the everloving Jisoos outta me

Anywaayyyyyyy *previously on Obsessed*

Lol I sound like a narrator on one of those tv dramas I'll stop talking now bye

⚠️Warning: ANOTHER horrible update⚠️

Jungkook's P.O.V

I finished my business in the restroom and washed my hands as a touch-up of hygiene before exiting. I'm still really happy I'm out with my Jagi!!! She's been really good and she seems to be enjoying this as much as I am!! I smiled really big as I walked around , finding my way back to our table.

As I rounded the corner, I saw a pinky-blonde guy sitting next to MY Jagi!! JuSt wHaT DoEs hE ThInK hE's DoInG??!!! Growling, I peered behind the doorway, still observing. What really set me off was seeing my little bunny SMILING at him. She should be doing that with ME. No one else is allowed to make her smile. No one else is allowed to kiss her. No one else is allowed to touch her. NO ONE ELSE IS ALLOWED NEAR HER!!!!!!!

The little piece of trash seemed to say his goodbyes after a minute or so, thank God. But not only did he say goodbye, he HUGGED her. AND SHE HUGGED BACK.......Ok that was the last straw!!!! HE HAS TO BE ELIMINATED. NO ONE ELSE BUT ME CAN HAVE HER!!!!!!

A devious smirk formed on my mouth as I formed a plan. I slowly walked away, heading towards the kitchen. I snuck past all the employees, them being too busy to notice me at all. Looking around, I saw a single butcher knife that one of the sushi chefs used. Perfect! With an insane glimmer in my eyes, I carefully and secretively removed the knife from the steel countertop and stuffed it in my pocket, untucking my shirt and pulling it down to cover the outline.

Now to get rid of that scum bag. Once again, I crept out of the kitchen (I'm cReEpIn iN YoUr hEaRt BaBe) and speed-walked to the hibachi grill to see that boy about to leave. Now was my chance!! I turned around as he walked past me, playing on my phone so I wasn't suspicious looking. Once he was ahead of me, I put my phone away and started following him. I'm doing this for Jagi's own good, I kept repeating to myself.

We both made it out of the restaurant and onto the street. We were close to a dark little alley, so I seized my opportunity. I grabbed him from behind, holding my hand over his mouth to prevent any sound as I dragged him into the dark alley. I pushed him against the dumpster, smiling at his petrified expression. "Awwweee, what's wrong?" I got sarcastic with him. "I'll tell you what's wrong. You trying to steal MY JAGI FROM ME!!!" I screamed in his face.

"NoW yOu HaVe tO PaY tHe PrIcE!" Giggling, I reached for the knife. "W-Wait, Y/N was your g-girlfriend? I didn't k-know, I'm sorry!! P-please don't kill m-me!!" Tears fell from his pathetic little eyes. "Mmm, I guess you shoulda thought about that sooner..." I stabbed right in his chest, making his whole body go blank. He fell to the ground with a soft thud, now a new addition of trash in this alley.

(It was a bad idea to listen to Danger while writing this *shudders*)

I lost it by now, continuing to stab him all over, laughing the entire time. "I've protected you, Jagi! *giggles* NO ONE and I mean NO ONE will get near you!!! NO ONE will take you from me!!! I WONT ALLOW IT!!!" Still laughing, I prepared to dump his body when I heard a gasp come from in front of me.

Looking up, I saw a female figure standing there, hands covering her mouth and eyes widened as large as baseballs. That girl was Y/N........

*Present Time*

Y/N's P.O.V

I stepped away from the alley, my mind struggling to process what laid before my eyes. "" My body would not allow any words to form. Jungkook just smiled, tilting his head like all of this was perfectly normal and ok, like he did nothing wrong.

Obsessed (Sasaeng!Jungkook x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz