Chapter 31- Yandere

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Hi......idek anymore with this.....

The good news is I'm finally no longer sick, however, I guess I'll have to deal with pneumonia for a while...

The only good thing that happened to me was that I watched the new Zombies movie on Disney and now I have BAMM stuck in my head....

Anyway, y'all aren't here to listen to my annoying gibberish, you're here to just read this horrible chapter.....

3rd Person P.O.V

Jungkook stared at Y/N's peaceful figure as he twirled her hair around his finger, a Cheshire-like grin coating his terribly chapped lips.

"J-Jungkook, I'm begging you, please just leave her alone. I don't want anything else bad to happen and I don't want to be kept hostage here..." Yoongi mumbled, slowly slipping back into consciousness along with the others.

With the speed of a lightning strike, Jungkook's head whipped around to face his hyungs, his eyes darkening significantly within seconds.

"And why would I want to do that, Yoongi hyung?? She leaves my sight for one second, and you all would just snatch her away from me!!! I won't allow that to happen either!!! Y/N WAS MEANT TO BE WITH ME AND THAT'S WHERE SHE'LL STAY!!!!"

Everyone flinched as Jungkook yelled at Yoongi from the top of his lungs, their faces nearly colliding from their close proximity.

A smirk curled up the tips of Jungkook's mouth as he slowly backed away from Yoongi. "I think we need to go over some rules. Don't you agree?!"

Everyone shook their heads no immediately as an answer. "Welp, that's too bad for you guys." Jungkook giggled, pacing the concrete ground back and forth.

"Anyway, let's get to talking.

Rule #1 - Never talk back to me AT ALL, or there will be SEVERE punishment

Rule #2 - Y/N is to only be touched, looked at, or spoken to by me, and if any of these are disobeyed...."

Jungkook drug a finger across his throat, making his hyungs gulp in fear.

"Rule #3 - Y/N WILL stay by my side and by my side only. I will make sure of that so don't even try to change her mind or talk me out of it, or once again, you will end up dead.

Rule #4 - There will be NO escaping whatsoever. This goes for you all and Y/N. If this rule is broken, Y/N will be dealt with in a much simpler way because I know how good of a girl she is and I'd never punish her by causing her pain. You guys on the other hand...... hehehehehehe.... let's just say you all will be screaming........and bleeding........a lot. Do you understand, hyungs???"

All 4 elder males started nodding their heads, tears slowly bubbling up in their eyes.

"Awww, you're scared?!! Now I'm sad!!!" Jungkook hugged Y/N's sleeping body close to his. "I was just explaining what's gonna happen and what I'm gonna do to keep my Jagi to myself, that's all!!" A huge pout formed on his lips.

Hoseok opened his lips to say something but then he remembered the 1st rule. Yeah, he didn't feel like getting tortured, and neither did his band mates.

It was really difficult to them to process what was going on in front of them. It was extremely disturbing to see their youngest member going absolutely insane over a girl. A girl he's obsessed over for years and is just now meeting. Never in a million years did they think he would turn into this.

Never would they have though that 2 of their best friends would die in the hands of their beloved maknae. Never did they think he would kidnap poor poor Y/N, chain her up, force her to live with him, and make them witness everything before their eyes!!!

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