Self Care&Me

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Hiii... I haven't been posting because my mind is a mess, I'm coping with it

The topic self care bringsssssss worriment
And ummm sad vibes  i guess lol

Anywhoooooo.... long ago I didn't really care for it because I took pain on cutting myself, since it was a " safe thing to do" which now I know it's not!! I never coped with it safety like the typical drawing, coloring, or something that calms my mind. I never did any of that stuff because I was constantly thinking of bad things so I thought of myself worthless, useless, other bad crap a person would call themselves.

When I was in therapy, they did help me how to cope with my negative thinking which I did for a lonnnnnnng time. Now I do it more like the typical ones I said lol, but it's stopping.

My mind is a mess when it comes to self care...

I've been feeling a bit down about what's happening in my life, leading to me being a sad awkward person.

Me... ya know the whole love yourself thing,well I don't hate myself. I just don't know how to feel about my self, kinda why I just like myself. I think I do hate myself. Other times, yeah I do like myself.

Me.. it's just weird to me only
Loving yourself? What if you don't love yourself and can love anyone? How is this possible?

I'm still learning self care and me

I'm not depressed
I'm just mellowed, a little sad-ish
If this makes sense???

Idk if it's just me like the point of your life where you just feeeeeellllllllllll mellow about serious crap. You are calm about stuff going on, so knowing u feel hurt yet not in the mood to make a scene or be a huge crybaby. This sounds depressing... although I am not just sad-ish.

Welp, I'm doing a poetry book because why not.

Sorry for not posting lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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