Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"So, Jungkook. Who was that your brother was with at your engagement party?"

"Uh, their name is Ash. I don't know how long they've been dating but he seems happy so I don't really care."

"Well I'm happy for him."

"There you guys are." Taeyong says as he sits down in his chair.

"We aren't that late." Taehyung says, sitting down next to his already present brother as Jungkook takes a seat next to Taehyung.

"Oh well, we're all here now. Have anything you want." Yoongi says before the room claps for him.

"He does know that's gonna be expensive, right?" Jungkook asks no one in particular as he looks at the menu.

"Yeah he knows. But as I said before, money isn't an issue for him." Taehyung answered, placing the menu down.

"I gotta get used to being around rich people."

"I promise you, you'll get used to it." Jin whispers in Jungkook's ear.

- - -

After dinner, the bridal party all went to the arcade.

Apparently, Hoseok has an obsession with pin ball machines so they started a little mini competition for him.

Jimin loves big cuddley things so Yoongi won a lot of games and got a bunch of tickets just to get Jimin the big stuffed bear sitting behind the counter.

Taehyung and Jungkook were off doing their own thing. They had decided that no trip to the arcade was complete unless you had a table hockey war. Lucky for them, the table hockey was towards the back of the room and the pinballs were closer to the front so they were pretty much alone. The next hour or two for them consisted of three inside jokes being made, tons of giggles, one deep conversation about how table hockey is a lot like life, and a bit of falling. In love, I mean.

The bridal party only spent two hours at the arcade because the arcade had to close for the night and they had already kept the staff there twenty minutes late.

"So, how about that Taehyung guy?" Jimin asks as the group is walking back to their individual hotel rooms.

"You mean your best friend?"


"I mean, he's okay."

"Just okay is not what I saw at the table hockey."

"He made me laugh. He's hilarious."

"Is that it?"

"For now, yeah."

Jimin hums and purses his lips in a look of disapproval.

"Well if you ever need to vent about how cute or hot he is, you know who to come to." Jimin says, speeding up as Taehyung drops back.

"What's he telling you now?"

"Oh, he was just asking if we were okay with the room." Jungkook says. Apparently it was loud enough for Jimin to hear because he glances back and winks at Jungkook.

"Oh. Hey, you want to drop by the room and get our bathing suites?"

"What for?"

"Swimming, duh. Come on, let's go."

"I don't know. Is tomorrow just a relax kind of day?"

"I don't know, ask Hoseok. He's an event planner." Taehyung says.

"Whatever. I guess we can't be doing anything too strenuous tomorrow, right?"

"Who knows man. So are you down?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Don't be so glum, ma dude."

"I'm not being glum." Jungkook whines.

"Right, because you're being whiney."

"I'm- you know what, we're not going there."

"Because you know I'm right."

"Whatever." Jungkook says with a smile.

Suddenly, Taehyung's arm is on Jungkook's chest, pushing him back a bit.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asks, skeptical.

"That's our room." Taehyung says, pointing past Jungkook.


"Yeah 'oh'. Come on. Do you know where your trunks are?"


The two boys rush to find their swim trunks and while Taehyung is digging to the hardest place to reach in his suitecase, Jungkook switched his pants to trunks and his button up to a white T-Shirt.

- - -

Once the boys had changed, Taehyung had suggested they race each other to the pool. Jungkook had agreed, being the competitive man he is, but after he had taken his lead, he fell back only to ask Taehyung where the pool was. Taehyung had laughed but then both boys stopped because neither knew where the pool was. Bummer.

- - -

A/N: I just passed my permit test so watch out if you're on the road because the party has arrived! Anygays, hope you have a good week!

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