Chapter Eleven

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It was finally time for the dinner party and Jungkook was inevitably nervous. Jin had told Jungkook that this was the first time anyone would know about Jungkook being hired and that we was to act as professional as possible.

Jungkook wasn't worried about how others would view them, he was worried about how others would view Jin's choice to hire Jungkook for seemingly no reason.

Of course, Jungkook didn't know that just about everyone else in the business world knew of the hiring and it's purpose except Jungkook and Taehyung.

A knock came on Jungkook's door and he ran to get it, almost slipping. He calmed and straightened his tie before opening the door and seeing Taehyung in a suit that was almost identical to his. The only difference being that Taehyung was being a little rule breaker. He didn't have a tie on, his shirt was not buttoned up all the way, and his jacket was not buttoned either. And to top the dessert off with a cherry, he was wearing a black bandanna in his hair, perfectly showcasing his facial features.

To be completely honest, Taehyung didn't know what came over him. He always followed the dress code and barely ever wore bandannas as a fashion statement. But there was something about this event that made him want to act out a little.

Jungkook followed the rules. As usual. But instead of leaving his hair down like normal, he brushed it back and put some gel in it so his hair stayed out of his face and let his forehead breathe for once.

"You look nice." Taehyung said, glad he decided to wear a little makeup so the foundation would hide his blush.

"You too." Jungkook says as he begins breathing heavy.

"Are you okay?"

"Just a little nervous."


"I don't want everyone thinking Jin-hyung made a bad choice by hiring me and it backlash horribly."

"No one is gonna think he made a bad decision. Jin-hyung has been running this business for ten years and never once has our sales slowed down. He is respected in the business community across the world and everyone knows that whatever choice he makes will benefit him in the long run. Even if it is a little bumpy on the road to the palace."

"You really think so?"

"I know so." Taehyung says as the two start walking down the hallway.

"When Jin announced he was getting married, everyone wanted to know who it was because Jin didn't tell anyone. He didn't want Namjoon to get hurt by all the nasty people who were mad their daughters weren't going to marry him. But someone leaked that Jin was marrying Namjoon and it backlashed horribly. Not because everyone wanted their daughter to be in Namjoon's place but because they were gay. As it got closer to time for their wedding, another couple came out as gay: the son of Min Incorporated. He is marrying two men by the names of Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin, my best friends." Taehyung explains as the bullet-like elevator rushes down to the ground floor.

"Sidenote: that wedding is in a couple of weeks and I'm taking you. You've got to meet them, they're hilarious. Anyways, the business comunity soon realized that it didn't matter what they said, Jin was going through with the wedding and that he was absolutely in love with Namjoon-hyung. So far, all they've seen of the couple are lovey dovey pictures that shine pure happiness." Taehyung finishes as the two make their way to the car waiting for them outside.

"Jin-hyung went through all of that just to be happy?"

"Yeah. And no matter what his reasoning for hiring you is, I know that it'll work out nicely for everyone involved. Including us."

"Thanks, Taehyung. For cheering me up."

"Anytime." Taehyung responds before the car stops at a mansion just outside of the city limits.

- - -

A/N: Hey bitches. I like this girl and I could rant for at least an hour about how cute she is. Just thought you should know. Also, to all my readers  from Change, thanks for getting it to 8k. I literally could not be happier. Well, until next week bitches😜

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