Chapter Eight

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It is currently six thirty. All of Jungkook's stuff is moved in, he's just gotta unpack it all. He would have had it all done if it weren't for Taehyung who insisted on taking Jungkook out to dinner with Jin and Namjoon.

"So I'm sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties and this blonde walks up to me and says, 'Are you the food because I'd love to eat you.' I looked at her over my sunglasses and said, 'Sorry sweetie, I'm gay as hell.' She looked at me like I was some kind of alien and ran off crying." Taehyung says causing Namjoon and Jin to laugh. Jungkook merely smiles.

"Can I get you guys anything else? Maybe some dessert?" The waiter asks as he picks up a few of the empty plates.

"Yeah, can we get four slices of your Devil's Cake?" Jin asks as the waiter picks up the last plates.

"Yes, I'll have that right out."

"What's in that cake?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook is thankful someone asked.

"It's a new recipe I'm having them put out. It's chocolate cake with a layer of strawberry icing in between the two layers of cake. On top is chocolate icing with white chocolate drizzled over it. I made one a couple of months back but I want to see how well they make it and I want to get some outside opinions because Mr. Macho over here will tell me that everything I make is good even if I made him a mud pie."

"I told you that it was good and I meant it."

"But I made a freaking mud pie."

"It was one of the best mud pies I've ever had."

"It better be the only mud pie you've had."

"Here is your cake." The waiter says as he sets down a cake plate with a little under half the cake left.

The cake looked exactly like what Jin had described: strawberry icing between two layers of chocolate cake and chocolate icing under a drizzle of white chocolate.

"So, Jungkook. You've worked at Kim eateries for three week days. How do you like it?" Jin asks as he cuts a bite of cake off.

"I love it, hyung. It's a big building but I'm getting the hang of it. Do you mind me asking a question though?"

"Not at all."

"What did you hire me for? I don't mean to be rude and sound ungrateful but I'm just a little confused." Jungkook asks.

Taehyung drops his fork and looks at Jungkook with wide eyes, surprised at the younger's bravery.

Namjoon and Jin just share a look that the other two can't decipher before Jin puts on a knowing smile.

"You'll see. If you're worried about your purpose, then don't. You have good purpose but I need you to get situated with the building and our traditions before I tell you specifically what you were hired to do."

"How long are we talking, Jin-hyung?" Taehyung asks.

Jin looks at Namjoon who looks up with chubby cheeks full of cake. Jin smiles before looking back at Taehyung and saying, "Give me two and a half months to get him situated and tell him his purpose and then I'll give you your birthday present."

"I'm so confused." Taehyung says.


"I promise, it'll all make sense. You may or may not like it. You will have a choice of course. Well, sort of. But I promise, this December and the following January are going to be months that you will never forget."

"Then I guess we can't fight you on this."

"No, my dear brother. You can not."

- - -

A/N: I totally forgot to update yesterday. I don't know how or never crossed my mind. Typically, it's all I can think about on Tuesday's. Anyways, I got my first girl crush and she says she likes me back but she's in a relationship... and I keep putting myself in the position to be a third wheel. We love a supportive sister. That's it for this week folks, I'll see you next Tuesday.

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