Chapter Fourteen

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Well this is odd. Taehyung thinks to himself after he's woken up and found Jungkook lying atop him.

"How did we even get like this?" Taehyung mumbles to himself but apparently it was loud enough to wake up the younger.

"What? What the fuck?" Jungkook asks as he looks around the room. His eyes finally land on Taehyung and Jungkook almost passes out.

Taehyung's hair was messy and his lips were slightly parted, parted enough that Jungkook could see the tip of Taehyung's teeth. The grey headed boy's eyebrows were furrowed as he was trying to make sense of the situation and his cheeks were a little pink.

Taehyung was an absolute beauty right after he woke up.

And Jungkook didn't mind waking up to it.

"So... what now?" Taehyung asks, trying to ignore the constant fluttering of his heart.

"Um... breakfast?" Jungkook asks, trying not to move very much.

"Should we just have something delivered?"

"That sounds great."

Neither one of the boys move for another five minutes, trying to sort everything out in their minds.

Taehyung is the first to move, reaching over to grab his phone from somewhere on the bed.

"Holy- Jungkook, it's three in the afternoon."

"So does that mean we're not getting breakfast?"

"Why would we not get breakfast?"

- - -

Two hours later and the boys were on Jin's couch watching some romcom.

Apparently it was about some gay closeted kid and he falls in love with a color. It was weird to say the least.

Jungkook honestly had no idea what the movie was about because he was just constantly replaying the events that had happened only a few hours prior. It wasn't that big a deal and Jungkook knew that but there was one thing that stuck in his mind: drunk actions are sober thoughts. So how did Jungkook end up in Taehyung's bed?

"Ice cream anyone?" Jin asks as he stands after the credits start rolling.

"I'm not sure how much more I can eat." Taehyung says, standing and rubbing his stomach.

"You can have one or two scoops of ice cream."

"I'll take one because I know how you like to dish out your ice cream."

"It's not my fault someone thought, hey let's freeze milk with a bunch of sugar in it and it ended up tasting really good."

"Yeah, but you shoul- you know what, I'm not getting into it."

"Good boy." Namjoon says as he pats Taehyung's back.

"Jungkook, what flavor ice cream do you want?"

"What do you have?"

"Um, strawberry, chocolate, mint, chocolate chip cookie dough, cookies and cream, literally you name it, I probably have it."

"Why do you have so many?"

"Well, we like to throw parties a lot and I get a lot of over flow from the factory so we just keep the most popular flavors stocked up."

"Oh. Do you have vanilla?" Jungkook asks shyly.

"Vanilla? Yeah, I think so. To be honest, I didn't peg you for a vanilla type of person. I guess we'll have to change that." Jin says as he pulls a tub out and sets on the counter while winking at Jungkook.

"It's the only flavor I've ever really tried."

"Well, some day when we have more time, you are going to try all of the ice cream flavors we keep in our fridge."

"You would do that for me?"

"Yeah! I told you, you're part of the family now!"


"One vanilla scoop." Jin-hyung says as he passes Jungkook a bowl of ice cream.

"Two strawberry scoops."

"How did you know?" Taehyung asks, faking his astonishment.

"Oh come on, I've been fixing your ice cream for twenty-four years, I think I can tell what you want, when you want it, and how much of it you want." Jin says as he begins fixing a bowl of mint ice cream.

"For you, my dear." Jin says, sliding the bowl to a blushing Namjoon who is sitting to the left of Taehyung at the kitchen island.

"So Jungkook. I have made a decision." Jin says as he begins making bowl of ice cream for himself.

"What about, hyung?"

"Your position. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I'm going to tell you this because I'm so excited."

"Just spit it out hyung." Taehyung snaps before quickly apologizing.

"I'm going to tell you what you were hired for on Wednesday. Exactly two weeks from the day you started working for Kim Eateries."

"R-really? This soon?"

"Oh yeah. This was the plan all along but the closer it gets to revelations, the more blurty I get so to solve my little, uh, issue I tell people that something big is coming and when it's coming so that I don't ruin the surprise-"

"Babe, you're rambling again." Namjoon says before taking a bite of his ice cream.

"Oh, sorry. You'll notice rambling is also a problem of mine."

"It's not a problem, babe. I'm just doing what you told me to do."

"I know." Jin says before taking his first bite out of the sugary dessert.

- - -

A/N: Aw, look at Namjin. They're so cute. 844 words. That's about 100 over what I usually write. We're improving sisters. Also, I had Mexican food on Friday and I ordered a large cheese dip that I wasn't supposed to. Gotta do what you gotta do man, you know what I'm saying? Anyways, hope you had a good week and wish me luck because I get snowcones in two days.

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