Chapter Sixteen

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"Namjoon and I want to take our honeymoon soon. I want it to be nice and long. I want it to expand the entire length of our honeymoon phase."

"I told you they just wanted you to plan their honeymoon." Taehyung says and the weight lifts off Jungkook's shoulders a bit.

"I want to quit." Jin blurts, not sure how to word the statement any nicer.

"What?" The youngest two ask at the same time.

"I promise, I've thought this out. I already have enough money saved up for us to live nicely for ten years and I've already set up my paycheck to get fifteen percent of the annual profits from Kim Eateries."

"Yeah, okay. That's nice and all but you don't have a successor." Jungkook says, remembering one document he had looked over about Jin's finances and such.

"Well, if I were to die, it would go to Namjoon. And if Namjoon were to die it would go to Taehyung."

"Oh, perfect. I'm gonna run a multi billion dollar company with no guidance whatsoever!" Taehyung says sarcastically as he leans back in his chair.

"No no no, child. That's why I need Jungkook."

"I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility!"

"This is the brutal part." Namjoon adds.

"Taehyung, I'm not gonna lie, you aren't quite ready to run a company yet."

"Thank God." Taehyung says and Jungkook gives him a look of betrayal. "This is every man for himself now."

"But Jungkook is."

"Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this." Taehyung says in a British accent.

"That's a lot of paperwork, hyung."

"Not if I cut corners like I'm so good at doing." Jin says with a smile.

"What corners are you wanting to cut?"

"Um, this is where it gets... what's the word I'm looking for?"


"Yeah. Um, I'm setting you guys up to get married." Jin says with closed fists up by his head, knees pulled to his chest and eyes closed in fear of the backlash.

"What the hell?"

"You. Want me. To marry him." Jungkook deadpans.


"You told me this was every man for himself!"

"I did, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did." Namjoon answers.

"So why exactly are we getting married again?"

"I never said yes."

"Oh shut up, let him answer the question."

"I want to spend the rest of my life with Namjoon and I don't want out marriage to erode away under the stress of me running this company."

"So you thought it was a good idea to push a marriage on someone else just so yours could last."

"When you put it that way-"

"I gotta go." Jungkook says, walking out of the office.

"I gotta go get him."

"Wait two minutes."

"Why that long?"

"It gives him enough time on his own but you're still going after him."

"It works, I promise." Namjoon says solemnly.

"Do you think this is even a feasible idea hyungs?"

"Yeah it is. But you both have to agree to it."

"I really wanna do this."


"I just have this feeling that this whole deal will come out okay. I feel like Jungkook and I can do this and we can be happy together."

"Times up, go find him." Namjoon says before Jin can even start his lecture.

"Thanks hyungs for knowing what I need before I do."

"We'll always be here for you, Tae."

"Just go get him." Namjoon instructs.

Taehyung runs out the door and to the closest bathroom, checking every stall for the younger.

After checking the bathrooms on the floor with no luck, Taehyung goes downstairs a few stories and knocks on the younger's door.

"Who is it?" The younger calls, utterly confused as to why someone would be knocking on his door at such a time.

"Can we talk?" Taehyung asks and, when the door opens, Taehyung is met with a hug.

"Do you want to do this?" Taehyung asks.

"I don't even know how it would work."

"We can go over that later but what needs to be settled first is whether or not you want to do this." Taehyung says, pushing Jungkook to arms length so the two could make eye contact.

"Do you want to do this?"

"I think we can make it work. It's not like we're getting married tomorrow."


"Is that an 'okay, let's do this' okay or is that an 'okay, let me think about it' okay?"

"Okay, let's do this."

"Are you sure?"

Jungkook just nods before going back to hug the grey haired male.

- - -

A/N: Yay! They're getting married! Or are they? Anyways, I hAVE A CHANCE WITH MY CRUSH, LIKE, GIRL LET'S GO I'M NOT GONNA BE LONELY NO MORE!!!! Also, I'm switching us over to two updates a week again because I'm already on chapter forty one and my writers block died somewhere so I'll probably be done writing in the next two weeks. If not, then before school ends for me which is May 24 or something like that. Hope you all have a good week!

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