Welcome to Storybrooke

Start from the beginning

"She was trying to protect us."

"But she's Snow White. She wouldn't hurt anybody." True, using the candle on Cora's heart sounds like something I would do. I wouldn't mind the kill because I'm used to it.

"Get out!" I heard David yell. I turned to see him glaring at Stiltskin.

"I think you're gonna wanna hear what I have to say..." he said before pointed at Snow, "for her sake."

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked.

"Regina. She's planning to strike back against your mother."

I got off my chair. "Let him in." David gave me a look, which I returned it. "David, let him in."

David sighed as he let the Crocodile in. Rumple had a satisfied smirk on his face. "Thank you, dearie."

"What is she gonna do to her?" Henry asked.

"Oh, she didn't say."

David shook his head. "No. You don't get to come in here and just drop a bomb like that. You're gonna figure this out. And you're gonna help us."

"And why should I?"

"Because aside from us being family now, Mary Margaret saved your life. Now you owe her a debt. And you always pay your debts, don't you? You're gonna help us stop Regina."


Storybrooke (1983)

I moved the chess piece on the board before I went back to grab the weird looking chest on the shelf. "No cheating!"

"Wouldn't dream of it," Dad said before moving another chess piece. He looked up and moved his fingers to his right. "A little more to the right."

I nodded. "Ok." I moved the box to the right and turned around. I forgot I had that stupid statue in front and tripped over it. We both went down along with a few boxes.

"Little Raven?" Dad called out as he limped around the counter.

"I'm ok," I said. I turned my head and was about to get up, but my eyes landed on something. Right there was the most beautiful sword I have ever laid my eyes on. I never stole anything from my dad's shop but this thing is calling out to me. I looked up to see him preoccupied with the game. I started to reach for it until the store bell rang.

"I'm not happy," Regina said. She looked at me on the ground. "What on earth are you doing?"

"Oh, you know, chilling," I replied sarcastically.

"Well, get out. I need to talk to your..." she looked at Dad, "father."

I gave her a look. "No way. I live here. You can't -"

Dad held his hand up. "Little Raven, why don't you get the TV set up? Popcorn is in the covered." I gave him a look. "You could even get the extra butter one."

"Fine," I said.

I went towards the kitchen. I grabbed the popcorn and placed it in the microwave. I sighed as I closed it. I should get the TV set up but that sword is still calling to me. I looked back towards the entrance before heading over. I need to do this quick and make sure they don't see me. I hid behind one of the shelves.

"This isn't the deal we made," Regina said. I slid down and started crawling towards the sword.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about," Dad replied. I reached over and grabbed the sword before I started crawling back.

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