Nico x YJ Crossover Clip - The Intruder

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Gotham City

December, 23rd 2026

An unspoken rule of being a street rat – don't live in Gotham City. The street rats in Gotham were hurt, killed, and much worse. That's not even thinking of the weather - gales, snowy nights, and windstorms that caused pneumonia among other diseases. These were all reasons for Nico not to enter Gotham – and Nico had powers he was forbidden from explaining - especially to the Batman... unless the Bat became a close friend or family, which, of course, was highly unlikely.

Therefore, 13 year old demigod son of Hades Nico Di Angelo can inform you he did not enter Gotham willingly. No. He was passing by Gotham City when he accidentally took a wrong turn. He shivered, and used his abilities to locate the nearest cemetery, and, soon enough, realized he was in Gotham Cemetery. He gasped, and immediately shadow traveled. Anywhere, he commanded the shadows with his mind, Anywhere but here.


December 23rd, 2026

A few seconds later

The shadows must have a sense of humor, because he reappeared in a high tech looking area. Nico turned around, and saw a giant window showing... SPACE?! He groaned. Of course, he was in some giant space station or something. He continued to look around silently, and realized – judging by the giant statues – that he was in....

"Who are you, and how did you break into the Watchtower?" He turned around slowly, revealing Batman. He paled. He was in the secret base of the Justice League, and the group of heroes' founders themselves had him cornered. He started to run towards a shadow – since he had been standing in a light. Suddenly, a giant green box surrounded him. It was glowing brightly, so he couldn't escape.

"I swear. I was better off with the accidental trips to China." He muttered, crossing his arms. Superman's brow furrowed. Nico shut his mouth.

"Who are you," Batman repeated, "and how did you break into the Watchtower?"

Nico rolled his eyes, "Quit with the dramatics. I didn't mean to. I'll just leave, keep my mouth shut, and -"

Batman stepped forward, "Who are you?"

"Just a street rat who happens to have accidentally stumbled upon this stupid base! Okay? Can I go now?" Nico said angrily.

"All the entrances audibly announce all visitors. None have been announced, and you aren't in the vicinity of them." Batman growled, "And that doesn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"I didn't come through any entrance. I took a wrong turn, wound up in Gotham. I panicked, and somehow accidentally ended up here! I swear, I'm just a kid who did not mean to come up here, and certainly doesn't want to be here. Just drop me off somewhere, and I'm out of your hair!" Nico shouted, panicking slightly.

Batman glared, "Tell me your name."

"Nico." He looked away, "I'm Nico. Please. Just let me leave."

P.S (1/15/2019 9:02 PM - Just posted prologue for this. 

Book Name: The Intruder (though that's kinda obvious)

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