Nico Di Angelo / Child Of Death (Song Fanfic)

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After a particularly stressful day, Nico sat down on the Argo 2 in his room, tears streaming down his face, he pulled out a guitar. And started to sing.

The Mist hides what we know is true,
but only what it chooses to.
He thought the incidents where a government agency had realized he was supposed to be dead.

It says my hands are smeared with blood.
He thought of his father's 'errands' that often included killing someone who had cheated death

Child of Death must be the one

to cloud the world with his despair.
He thought of the irony of his clothing choice and behavior.

To suck the spirit from the air.
Again, his father's errands weren't pleasant

Child of Death; I walk alone.
I've lost all that I once called home.
He teared up at the thought of the deaths of Bianca and his mother.

But the world is deaf.
He remembered screaming in the night in pure emotional agony, but the passing cars drowned out the sound.

I have nothing left.
Pleading when he was first running from camp for it to be a dream.

For who's in their sight.
He thought of all the people who mourned the ones he had to kill.

Because they are right.
He thought of the police officers who accused him of murder, only to have their death date moved up to the next day in order to hide the greek world.

I feel alone and so afraid.
He thought of his feeling of loneliness and fear that it'll never get better.

I hear demons calling my name.

"There's something wrong with you," they scream.
The shadows didn't like imposters. They would scream at him to get out.

They aren't so far off, it seems.
Nico sighed sadly, knowing it was true.

My heart is twisted, heavy, wrong.
It's like it knows I don't belong.
He thought of his feeling of longing. His need for a family and friends. Something he never could have.

The world is big, lovely to be.
And yet, there is no place for me.
He thought of watching parents and other kids having fun and goofing around.

Into what they think.
He thought of how he thought of himself. Lonely and Dark, just like what everyone else wanted him to be.

Death to watch me sink.
He thought of his suicide attempts. All failed.

Tell me
How to numb my heart.
He thought of how he kept trying to stop the heartbreak of Percy. He never could get over it.

Take me.
I'm falling apart.
He remembered begging Thanatos to take his soul. He refused.

Now the world is dark and cruel.
It's not the game I thought it was.
He thought of mythomagic and how it turned out to be real.

You can't start over when you lose.
You pay the price; everyone does.
He thought of all the souls in the underworld.

How did everything go wrong

He thought of the death of his sister

Why do I no longer belong?
He had been wondering this for awhile. He couldn't come up with an answer.

Tell me how to numb my heart.
If not, I'll surely fall apart.
He thought of how he was slowly breaking in the inside.

Child of death.

His memories swam to his ghost king title.

Count his last breath.
He thought of the dangers of demigod life.

Child of death; I walk alone.
He thought of how he just wanted to die and how he was always alone.


But the world is deaf.

He sand louder, no one heard.


I have nothing left.
He looked at his almost empty bag consisting of his belongings.

For who's in their sight.
Nico felt the hot, salty tears as they trickled down his cheek.

Because they are right.
He thought of all the souls his father had him reap just because they'd learned about the Greek world.

Tell me
How to numb my heart.
Nico thought of the emotional pain he always had. He never could get rid of it.

Take me.
I'm falling apart.
Nico thought of his weak moments, and how he was always so emotional when he was alone.

Child of death; I walk alone.

He finished, hid the guitar in the shadows, and sobbed himself to sleep, thankful his room was soundproof. 

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