Leo Valdez And The Spinny Chair Of Doom

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Leo walked into the Hephaestus Cabin Workshop when he saw it. He squealed with delight for in front of him was the most epic, amazhang thing of awesomeness....

Yes indeed.

There was a ....

Wait for it.....

"SPINNY CHAIR!!!!!" Leo screamed and sat in it, not noticing the evil lurking in the corner. Two pranksters otherwise known as the Stolls were silently awaiting the look of horror, it never came. Instead, Leo began spinning....

And spinning.....

And spinning....

Travis started filming cause he was still spinning...


The whole camp was watching the live video of the spinny chair and Leo.....

Cause he was still spinning....

He spun for two days, before standing up.....

"STOOOOLLLLLLS!!!!!!!" Leo shouted stomping out of the Hephaestus Cabin a spinny chair stuck on his pants with magical glue. The Stolls were walking by and got ready to run.

"THANK YOU!" Leo shouted before sitting down and spinning......

The Stolls burst out laughing, "BEST PRANK EVER!!!" They shouted and high fives and ran off.

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