Heroes Die (Under The Red Hood Fanfic)

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Batman returned alone, and empty handed. The commissioner looked at him, surprised.

"Where's Robin... please tell me you got him." Gordon said, expecting reassurance.

Batman turned to him, and Gordon was surprised to see he was crying, "I failed..."

The commissioner, took a step back, shocked, "No.... no... not..." The man choked, "God, I'm so sorry... please, Batman, for your friends and family's sake, please take a few days off. You need to cope with this..."

Batman looked at the commissioner harshly, "Why do you think I'm Batman?"

Gordon blinked in surprise, but when his eyes opened, Batman was gone. Gordon looked down, before breaking down into tears... the second Robin was dead... and he'd died at the hands of the Joker, most likely slowly and painfully... Robin... a child whom he had known as cheerful, sassy, and joyful... was dead.

It couldn't be true. It was too cruel....

Gordon left alone, and empty handed.

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