Chapter 14 - The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club! [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

        “It’s so beautiful.” She heard the girl say, “Tamaki, being alone here with out and looking out at the sea. It’s like a dream.”

        “It’s no dream.” Tamaki turned to face the girl, “It’s real, but if I could have my way, my princess, I’d be in your dreams every night.”

        “Oh Tamaki.”

        A shadow passed over Hitomi and she saw a beach ball land not too far from her, “Hey!” Kaoru yelled, “Take it easy, Hikaru!” He yelled as he chased after the ball.

        “I’m sorry, I’ll get it!” Hikaru chased after him and Kaoru laughed, “Wait for me, Kaoru!”

        “It’s not my fault! The ball’s rolling away!” Kaoru laughed more and they each patted Hitomi on the head as they passed her. She gave a small smile. She turned with a concerned look on her face to Haruhi who was sitting on a towel under an umbrella, looking a hermit crab. Hitomi sat next to her, laying her dress out neatly.

        “This sucks.” Haruhi said and Hitomi was the one to giggle, “I thought going to the beach meant the day off.”

        “These guys are relentless.” Hitomi smiled, “But to be honest, they actually listened and we’re at the beach, so I wouldn’t complain.”

        “Um, excuse me?” Hitomi turned around to see a tall boy with light brown hair sweeping over his left eye, “I believe it’s my turn for Hitomi.” He seemed a little awkward, and Hitomi gave a large smile and spun around to face him as she was standing up, her dress twirling with her.

        “Of course, my darling prince, but,” she bit her lip in nervousness and the boy blushed for a second, “I need to finish talking to my friend. I’ll be there in a minute to do whatever you would like.” She kissed him on the cheek and he, almost drunklike, walked away.

        Haruhi was looking at Mori and Honey who were doing weird motions with two girls, like they were doing aerobics or something of the like. Hitomi was almost pushed to the side as three girls talked to Haruhi. A vein popped of annoyance on Hitomi’s head.

        “Haruhi, aren’t you going to go swimming with us?” They asked.

        “Uh, no, I like looking at the sea from a safe distance.” She said awkwardly.

        “Well, if you’re not going to swim, would you mind us sitting here and talking with you?” Hitomi gave them a look of disbelief.

        “But why?” Haruhi said lovingly, though her eyes said irritated, “You girls should go swim. You’ve got cute swimsuits on, why not show them off?”

        “I can’t believe they fooled us.” Hitomi turned around to see Hikaru picking up the beach ball that they there like a thousand years ago, “Who knew they’d bring clients with them?” She raised an eyebrow at them and they stuck out their tongues.

        “You were invited on this all-expenses paid vacation for a reason. And that is to keep our clients entertained.” Kyoya explained and the two boys hunched over.

        “But with other girls here, Hitomi feels insecure and won’t change into a swimsuit.” The twins volleyed.

        “Don’t worry, I’ve got it all under control. My little angel shouldn’t be prancing around in a swimsuit. At least not in front of two perverts like you.” Tamaki smiled almost as scarily as the twins. In his mind, he and Hitomi took a romantic stroll along the shore, “And it’ll happen just like that! The greatest day of my life ever!” He squealed like an otaku.

Being The Hosts' Maid (An Ouran Highschool Host Club Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now