Sophia's father owned a chain of elegant 5 star hotels called The Maddox which were located all across the states. Lucky for us one of her fathers hotels were on 8th avenue which was walking distance to and from the club.

I texted back to say I couldn't wait, knowing I would have to tell my mother exactly where I was going and give her details on the club.

You would think mother would be fine with me saying that I was going out and would be back the next day,

but no even at the age of 23 I still had to say what club, what friends and to check in before bed and if I didn't I would get the 3rd degree which ended in my phone being tracked and then Manwell checking up on me.

Absolutely ridiculous but that was my mother.

We arrived at The Logan international airport in Boston ( Massachusetts). It's was 1st of July, the wether was around 28 degrees very warm and dry, I did love the sun but sometimes it be too much. That's also why I loved London, yes it got warm at times but it was so unpredictable one minute it was sun the next it would be blowing a Gail.

Mother and fathers Bentley was waiting when we came out of the airport. Manwell loaded our luggage whilst we got in.

Mother was already on her phone getting any information she might of missed whilst being away, I took a moment to look at her sitting next to me, she was beautiful with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes she was a beauty.

My father was where my browns eyes came from as his were as big as mine, his hair was brown too. I got my blonde hair from my fathers mother she had bright blonde hair from being little. Aww I loved nannie Blakewood I must defiantly go and visit her before I make the move to New York.

The drive wasnt to long from the airport to mother and fathers mansion and i was glad. When we pulled up i felt very hungary and knew Miss Butcher would have something cooking, as soon as i got out the bentley i noticed something out of the corner of my eye, it was a black bmw 320 with tinted windows. And a huge bow wrapped around it.

" mother have i forgotton someones birthday"

" no darling why do you ask"she said confused.

" its just theres a bmw in the drive with a huge bow on it." mother started to laugh

" why alex that is your graduation gift hunni, we are so proud of you and wanted to get you a safe, reliable car, plus it also means you can drive home from new york when ever you feel like it.

Which in her mind if i know my mother she would be expecting that to be every weekend.

" oh thank you mother you know i hate fuss but i do love the car so thank you, would i be able to take it to new york on friday im supposed to be going out with sophia and will be staying at her fathers hotel after going to that club i was telling you about on the plane."

" Yes darling i suppose you can since it is your car."

Omg what was going on with her normally i would have to explain more to her then that, not that im complaining though.

Before she could say anymore i ran upstairs to shower and change before dinner, after my shower i shoved on my sweat pants and top before heading out of my room, i quickly checked my iphone realising it was low battery i went back in to put my cell on charge.

I pulled the charger out of the top draw when i notice the note of 2 months ago at the benefit dinner Hugh Hendrix i thought, did i have the guts to ring him ever?

He is a high flyer who probabley dates high end models, I would just be another notch on his bed post.

I felt devastated at that point, but why I had no interest in taking him up on his offer, I need to to be strong and not let it affect me with that in mind I put the number into my cell then left it to charge.

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