One of them

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Request by @Hikari66115, And by the way guys whenever you request something I will automatically follow you and mention you in the next oneshot so thanks to Hikari-chan for requesting. Btw slightly angst and this might have another version with Sarada as the psycho instead.

On with story!!

3rd person pov

~Tokyo Asylum~

In the asylum of Tokyo, Japan live the great psychotic king of crime. Code name: The Blonde Crown also known as Boruto Uzumaki .......well if you haven't heard of him in the news that is. This little criminal has been caught by the black reaper 3 months ago and was transferred to the Tokyo Asylum. 

He was taken to court many times and interrogated more than you can imagine. The king of crime proved everyone that he's a psycho and well........he is. He's stole from many. Murdered more than you can count. And he's got away with it all.

He led a crime syndicate along with his friends all around Tokyo and he even got men all around the world. Heck! He was stronger than the president himself! He didn't just commit murder or steal.... HE even did human trafficking! Yes! He enslaved his own kind! It was so unspeakable! But a last none of the law suits that were filed against him worked. He was free to do more crime until he was caught.

Once he proved the judge that he was crazy the court decided to send him to Tokyo Asylum for further investigation. Of course many, many people objected but all of their pleas for his execution were all turned to a deaf ear. There was nothing they could do about it. This criminal was not going to jail no matter what they do.

When he arrived at the asylum the doctors made a rumor that whoever the person that cures him is a fallen angel so many of the psychiatrists attempted to talk to him and try to cure him but...... they were all cowards to really understand what goes through a psycho's mind. They all gave up on him after all he is a triple S rated patient in that asylum. There was nothing they could do to him. He is and forever will be insane to all of them. So they always kept him locked up in the cell at the end of the hall far from all.

Under the many, many felonies he committed all the failed therapists got from him was the trauma he faced when he....... When he lost his parents. His little sister? Missing. None of the questions they wanted answers from him were answered. It was like when he lost his family the people who crashed his parents' car the night they died, they didn't give him any answers why they did. When his little sister went missing. The last of his sanity went missing. When he asked the friend she was with...... there wasn't a peep from them. And that's when all of the crimes started. He went insane.

Then the black reaper's daughter is a psychiatrist. She wanted to try out in the asylum. Disregarding all the rumors that were sent to her to stop before even going into the house of all insanity. She was stubborn but she knew what she wanted. But once they've entered the asylum there's no going back.

Sarada's pov

"Bye Papa! I'll be fine! See you soon!" I waved my dad goodbye as he drives off into the distance. But..... I couldn't get our conversation earlier out of my head. 

Flashback earlier~

"Daddy, I'll be fine" I reassured him with a pat on the shoulder as he drives me to my new work place, Tokyo Asylum. "Trust me alright? I can do this" I tried to convince him but no avail, I sighed disappointed of my attempt, "Sara?" "Yes Papa?"  I asked in a sad voice and he faced me. "Look, I know you but considering this place..... I don't think this is it. I think you'd be better off at a hospital instead"  he tried explaining to  me.

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