author's note/ quick story

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So I have a story to tell and it recently happened tonight. So my mom suggested to eat out and so we did. She brings us --my 2 sisters and I-- to this Japanese restaurant called Tenya, she parks the car and the security guard opens the door for us. 

Then of course y'all know author-chan I would thank anyone and everyone in japanese as the otaku I am and then of course they smiled awkwardly but what intrigued me is when I we received our order from the waiter I just went and said 'Arigatou gozai mas' and then he looked at me weirdly before going back to his counter.

Then my sister goes and says, 'With eyes as big as that they really wouldn't think you're japanese' and as if hearing the waiter nodded.

First of all I never intended to act japanese, I just speak japanese because I'm an otaku/weaboo. Second of all regardless if the person is tan and has big eyes doesn't mean you can insult them that painfully, okay I get it I don't look japanese!! I'm very painfully aware of that I have big eyes!! I'm not trying to look japanesee but I'm a cosplayer so I'm trying to look like the character I'm cosplaying so you don't have to insult me.

Guys I know you can't see this but you feel it that I'm crying while writing this, I rarely cry in front of others because of pain so for me it's a bit unusual. I'm not trying to get everyone reading this to pity me but I want people to stop insulting others for their appearances.... I know how people think about me since that's also how my friend think about me, they think I'm such a strong person for keeping the sadness, despair and pain out but no I can't.

I'm sad at the fact that many even a few family members have insulted me that even includes my mom.... I have my best friends that I mostly consider as family and of course my sister and brother figures at school that I call big sis or bro because I can never call my own big sister my big sis for the pain she causes me.

I'm proud to be an otaku author honor student but I don't have a mother that is proud of having a daughter that's an otaku and author. Does it depend on whether you don't have eyes that are identical to the japanese when you want to speak japanese? Does it depend on your appearance when you love watching anime? NO it doesn't!! It's just the people that judge you for being who you are.

Guys if you have any suggestions or advice other than watching anime please tell me because it may bring me inspiration to write much more frequently...... Sayonara minna always remember aishitemasu.....

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