break up?

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Another request by suyaine a modern AU, gonna be easy considering I have a few modern AUs but this one will be a bit sad but it will be happy in the end so don't worry my dearest readers!

She was perfect for him,
For her he was everything,
That is until she finds out what he's being doing behind her back.

17 year olds having a relationship's not bad right?

Sarada's pov

My world stopped when I saw him cheating on me....with her.....he's cheating on me with....Megumi Etsuko. I wanted to end my life just as I saw the horrid scenario that I couldn't get out off my head.

"God damn you, Boruto Uzumaki!! We are over!! I yelled and my tears consumed my eyes as I ran away from the two. I ran back to my apartment and sobbed till I drop.

I wanted to die, I wanted to leave everything behind and so I did. I moved out of Konoha and to another place.

I moved on and life was even better in Suna till the day I met my boss at the company I was being reassigned.

"Sarada Uchiha?" The man asked, "Yes?" I asked back. "You are to be the secretary of......." he started but the door slammed open revealing a blonde with crystal blue eyes, whiskers wearing a grey suit. "Oh! Mr. Uzumaki! You're late but here's you new secretary, she's-" the recruiter was cut off again, "Sarada Uchiha" I looked up at the blonde and realized he was my ex from 5 years ago, Boruto Uzumaki.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath, "You've met before?" The recruiter asked confusingly, "Nah. Not really but an aquintance, I guess" Boruto said and shoved his hands into his pockets nonchilantly.

"Well then ms. Uchiha he's your boss now excuse me" the man left me and my new boss alone. "Start the day right. What's my schedule?" Boruto asked almost immediately. "Um you have a meeting in 15 minutes sir" I answered professionally.

"Good. Take notes while we have that meeting it's needed for the company" he opened the double doors and we exited the room. He pressed the elevator open and pressed 24th floor. We were alone in the elevator all the way up.

"So how'd you turn up in Suna?" I tried making conversation, "Chased after you, I guess" he shrugged and I looked up at my ex in confusion. "Chase me, why?" I asked and he turned to look at me.

"I wanted to apologize, you didn't understand what you saw 5 years ago in that park-" he was cut off by me. "Didn't understand?! What didn't I understand that you were cheating in me with a girl from school?" I asked and looked out the glass elevator.

"It wasn't what you think, let me explain carefully. She quickly pulled me in a forceful hug when you came, she wanted to split us up because she was jealous of what you have. . . . What we have" he intertwined his hand with mine. I took my other hand and caressed his whiskers. "Were all that true? You weren't lying to me?" I asked and he kissed the my hand that was intertwined with his. "Of course I wasn't, why would I ever lie to the love of my life?" He said and pulled me in a kiss.

Our kiss lasted till the elevator opened and we had duties to fill in. "The meeting sir?" "Absoulutely" we walked in the meeting room and sat in the back seats.

That's when I realized it was all just a dream and I woke up from that memory 3 years ago.

That's right, that happened 3 years ago and we already started a family then. We had twins and we named the boy, Sarato and the girl, Sayumi.

Sarato has my onyx black hair and has Boruto's crystal blue eyes while Sayumi has blonde hair like her dad and the same crystal blue eyes.

I sat up on bed looking for my idiotic husband, frowning because he wasn't in my sight then I heard laughter erupting from Sarato's room.

I peeked open to see him carrying both of our children and tickling them making them laughed loudly. "Daddy stop!!" Sayumi cried out with tears of laughter coming out of her eyes.

"Nope. Not until you guys say sorry for pranking me" Boruto continued to tickle them till I scolded him. "Bolt! Stop that! You're making them laugh too hard and they can't breath!" I scolded my husband and he sweat dropped and stopped tickling our children and put them down.

"What could these innocent children could've done to you so you'd tickle them to the extent that they couldn't breath?" I reasoned with him and ruffled Sarato's hair along with Sayumi.

"You have no idea" he said and I pulled on his blonde hair so he'd tell me. "Okay, okay don't pull my hair. They asked me to sleep with them and I did but I woke up with stickers and pictures drawn on my face!" He complained and I laughed at his statement about our children.

"Oh hush. That's normal but you were even worse that you drawed on Nandaime's statue!" I joked and he sweatdropped. "Daddy drawed on a statue?" Sarato asked, "Yes sweetie. But don't do that that's bad-" before I could even finish. "That's so cool daddy!" The two said in amazement and Boruto smiled in acomplishment while I face palmed.

And this is what I get for breaking up, but it's good that I gave a second chance, to him, to love. But there and then did I realized that anything was possible because this all started because of a Break up.

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