The married life

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A request by suyaine though it's about the married life it will be dramatic.

A rollercoaster.

A word perfect to describe marriage.

A first it will start calm.

When you fight in it, it leads to a few out comes,

Going up and going down,

It's your choice if it has an end.

All though if you really do believe in forever you'd choose to make it endless.

For me.......

Nah. Not really into that stuff. I'm too afraid of being committed.

It also adds my phobia.

Philophobia, fear of falling or being in love.

Ok! Enough about author-chan. On with the story!

Sarada's pov
I looked at my gold wedding ring, it had his name engraved on it. Damn it! I miss him, I miss him so damn much.

I remember those time where he'd always stay by my side. I wanted to apologize for hurting his feelings. Nobody was ever in the wrong, he just got jealous and I yelled at him. He hasn't come back to our house ever since.

I looked at his closet, remembering it use to be full of his stuff, but empty. Empty. Just exactly how I feel right now. I stood up from our used to be shared bed and went to the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet and looked at the bathtub and shower. Remembering all those times we use to bathe together. I looked at the towel with a lightning bolt hanging on the rack. I remembered how we use to share only one towel when you come out off the shower or bathtub together.

I walked out the bathroom and look at our bed and laid there, remembering all those time where we would cuddle all the time.

He said he needed space from me and he's staying at his parents' house now. It's been a week since our fight and he hasn't come back home since. He took most of his clothes and left that night.

His once look of love and gentleness changed into anger and despair. Did I really yell at him that much? I just didn't want him to be jealous of that guy. I didn't mean to do it.

I cried myself to sleep knowing I'd just have to wait till he comes back and then I can apologize.

Boruto's pov
I was angry. Angry at her. How could she take his side even though I saw that GUY clearly touching her. And what did she do? She just laughed it off like it was damn nothing.

I gazed at my wedding ring where her name is engraved just like how her name is engraved in my heart. I remembered how she slid it into my finger on our wedding day last year on October 30th 2017. "Wear this ring as a sign of my love. I'll love you through hell and back. I'll always stay by your side no matter what. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer. Till death do us part. Take my hand to have and to hold to this day foward because no matter what I'll never let you go" she vowed on that day.

It's been a week and I can't help it I always remember her through many things. I looked at my dark eyebags. Damn. I really do look I didn't sleep for a week.

Just then the door opened revealing my dad, "How long are you going to sulk there?" He asked me while his eyes scanned me from head to toe. "I don't know. Honestly I'm not sulking, I'm more like mourning" I suggested and he chuckled at me.

"C'mon get up -ttebayou" he lifted me up to my feet and he puts his caloused hands on my shoulders firmly. "Learn to apologize before you lose them" he said and threw my back at me.

"Go home son, I promise you it will make everything better" he said and I threw my bag over my shoulder, "You're right dad, I'll see you soon" I left my old home and drove back to my shared home with my wife.

I took my house keys from my pocket and opened our front door. I walked through the living room quietly making sure not to make a noise.

I dropped my bag on the sofa and walked up the stairs to the second floor. I walked down the dark halls to the room at the end.

I slowly opened the door only to hear soft crying from the bed. I looked at the ball like figure of white blankets. If this wasn't a serious matter I would laugh at Sarada's position right now. But I couldn't find anything funny in this situation.

I pulled the ball of blankets down to see my wife's face. I looked at her puffy red eyes knowing she cried her self to sleep this pass week.

I sighed, "You know you should've slept peacefully while I wasn't here the past week" I said, "Bolt!" She cried out and wrapped her arms around my neck while crying.

"Shhhhh....I'm here now. Please stop crying, babe. I can't bear to see you crying because of me" I shushed her but she continued to cry. I looked at my now wet shirt because of her tears.

"I'm so sorry I yelled at you!! I'm so sorry babe!!" She cried out while she hugged me and I just patted her back. "It's alright now baby, now please stop crying" I pleaded and she finally stopped.

"You call how I acted last week jealousy but I call it fear of losing you" I said and she pouted, "You're not losing me. We promised that at the alter last year when we got married didn't we?" She hugged me. "Of course, we'll stay together. Till death do us part".

Well that's the married life.

One of the reason why I vowed to myself to never get married because I'm afraid of being possessed by men.

Though I'm ok with relationships, I did get a bf and I regreted that but it made me stronger than who I was.

He cheated on me, it made me cry, so what? I gave him another chance but he blew it.

He can cheat, but don't cheat. It won't make you look any better than him, it will only make it look you the same.

I gave a chance to someone else because I wanted them to be happy and now I don't think I'm actually happy myself and I still hadn't gotten over the ex.

The ex made me happier than I was but the current, I guess I'm only lying to myself. But if time comes I may fall back to the ex....the only one that actually made my heart skip a beat.

Well that's all for now my sweets bye!

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