38 - hack

444 44 11


"all aboard! boat to the mainland! all board!"

i clambered onto the boat, giving my ticket to the nice man. he looked at me with little confusion and asked, "where's the boy with the blonde hair?"

"jimin? oh..um, he decided to stay longer. doesn't wanna get back to seoul just yet," i replied almost too casually. but the man seemed to buy it as he replied with a light-hearted nod.

i made my way to my designated seat. it felt different being alone this time. i liked it though, there were no more insults or pushing from jimin. it was nice except, there were times when i missed jimin. i mean sure, he was an asshole. but sometimes i needed a friend by my side.

and yes, i knew it was my fault we separated but i only did because ms momo and my mother told me to. and they're right, jimin has too much on his table right now.

the boat slowly drifted away from the docks. i watched from the murky window as the island of jeju grew smaller and smaller.

five hours later

i glanced down at my watch, it was currently 1:36 pm. it was the perfect time to hunt down kai since it was lunch and everyone was sitting in the cafeteria.

keeping my head low, i made my way through the school hallways. i didn't miss the way students were staring at me with their usual glares. i heard whispers coming from them.

'oh my god, she's back.'

'she's back after killing more victims.'

'ew, she stinks like fish.'

i frowned, trying to avoid their stares. it's been too long since i've been back here. my life's been revolving around solving the mystery of jimin's parents. i haven't even had a chance to think about my life here.

but who knows? maybe after i solve this case, i could come back to school and live a normal life.

just maybe...

as i made my way through, an elderly woman walked out from her office. she caught my gaze and her eyes lit up. she smiled widely and approached me.

"dahyun! it's been a while, how have you been?" ms jung, the counsellor asked me. she was the teacher i had to visit every day for my 'anger problems.' i smiled slightly, knowing i wasn't always nice to her.

"ms jung...i've been okay."

"have you been controlling your anger?" she asked with a good heart but it still managed to annoy me inside. she raised her eyebrows as she looked at me.

"fine.." i replied, trying to leave, "i uh, i'm actually in a hurry so if you will excuse me." i turned and continued my way down the hallway. i knew she was just trying to help, but there's no point. i don't have anger issues anyway.

she looked at my diminishing figure with a grim expression. she had a paper in her hands, she quickly jotted down in pen, 'patient still remains to have problems. consult with professionals.'

i finally saw the entrance to the lunch hall. quickly, i scurried my way through the students and towards the table located on the north side.

then i saw it. the big table with the giggling cheerleaders and the jocks wearing their varsity jackets. my eyes scanned the table until they landed on a male sitting near the edge. he smiled and wrapped his arms around the girl that sat on his lap. she giggled and played with his hair, pressing a wet kiss on his forehead.

"kai, you're so cute," she told him, pressing another kiss. he responded with a smile as he leant in and kissed her lips.

i made my way over to him. i cleared my throat, staring at the couple with discomfort. no response, they kept exchanging their saliva with no care.

i cleared my throat again, still no response.

"kai!" i yelled, successfully gaining not only kai's attention but the whole table's. everyone's eyes were on me. i gulped, realising how loud i was. i only needed kai's attention.

said male looked at me. he smiled and said, "dahyun? god, i thought you were in jail? nice to see you!" i stopped the urge to roll my eyes. he continued, "what brings you here? as you can see, i'm a little busy."

"i need a favour."

"favour? why would i help the girl who killed taehyung and jimin?"

i furrowed my eyebrows, replying, "what? jimin's not dead. he's in jeju island."

"jeju? is that where he's run off too? damn, he must've grown a pussy and ran away from you," kai remarked, causing his friends to snicker back.

i started clenching my fists by my sides. "kai, seriously. i need your help. stop fucking pissing around and help me." i earned an 'oooo' from his jock friends, trying to sound intimidated by me. 

kai scoffed and fought back by saying, "pissing around? i'm not some psycho who goes around killing people. count me out. find someone else to bother, i'm busy." he turned back around to the girl, leaning in and captured her lips.

i frowned at his response. this was going to be harder than i thought. no one else knew computers better than kai. for him, hacking into a database was elementary level.

"kai, i'm not going to ask again," i said with a straight face.

but i immediately regretted saying that after kai turned to look at me with a glare. he pushed the girl aside and rose onto his feet.

"oh no! i'm so sad, dahyun," he said sarcastically, stepping closer to me, causing me to step back. i noticed how his friends joined in. soon, i was surrounded.

my hairs on skin started rising as i watched kai reach for a water bottle. he unscrewed the cap of the bottle and lifted it over my head.

no, not again.

i watched as kai looked down at me with a scary smirk. he said, "everyone knows how you're scared of water. proves you right, you psycho bitch."

i squeezed my eyes shut, bending my head down. i didn't notice how my body was trembling.

"kai! stop, you're scaring her!"

i reopened my eyes, staring at the owner of the voice. it was the girl that was sitting on kai's lap before. she wore an unimpressed look on her face. kai stopped pouring the water and looked at her, everyone turned to look at her.

she got up and dusted her mini skirt. she looked at me with a small smile.

"she deserves it, rose. you saw what she did to taehyung," kai responded.

rose replied simply by shaking her head. she said, "that's the thing, baby. we never saw her do it. same goes for jimin's parents, we weren't actually there that day. how can we know for sure if she did it? what if it was all an accident?"

the entire hall went quiet.

a glimmer of hope gently fluttered in my heart.

yes, it was an accident...believe me.

please, believe me.


omg sorry for the late update, i was sick over the last week :((

but feeling better so expect quicker updates! yay!

anyway, hope u enjoyed this chapter.

also don't worry, this isn't the end of jimin. he'll come back soon :))

see you next time! 

alunaticdi x

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