29 - knight

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three days.

it's been three days since i've been caged. they've given me little water with no food. i was nearly at the end of my journey. no one can save me now.

i laid on my bed, blankly staring at the wall. my mind was empty, there was nothing to think about. even though i never got to escape, i pray that jimin will.

someone entered the room. i turned my head to see the leader. he wore a grim expression on his face.

this can't be good.

using my utmost strength, i sat in an upright position. we exchanged glances at each other. he spoke, "i hope you have learnt from your mistakes."

i raised an eyebrow, saying, "what mistakes.. i did nothing wrong."

this obviously triggered the man, he lifted his arm up as if he was going to hit me. i didn't flinch, i had no energy to. the leader's arm stopped in mid-air. my wrecked state could send chills onto anyone's spine. i was a living version of a dead person.

he stepped back, dropping his arm.

"you did plenty wrong..this is the reason why we made the decision to...check you out early," he uttered, his tone unwavering.

check out early? does he mean..

"you're going to kill me?" i asked quietly, looking at him with a semi-shocked expression. dead was inevitable, i knew that..but i didn't think it would be so soon.

"it's the only way. after your little speech, everyone..they started to think for themselves. they started wanting to dress and eat for themselves," i could tell he was getting agitated, his voice became louder, "all our hard work gone!"

i stayed quiet, feeling a little better knowing my words helped everyone.

"you've given them something stronger than fear.."

the leader reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun, holding it directly towards me. my eyes stared at the metallic device, knowing it was the end.

"hope," the male finished, his finger on the trigger.

this was the end of kim dahyun.

in every story, there's always a knight who saves his princess.

but in my case, it was a truck.

the wall on the right collapsed as a huge truck came crashing in. the leader was in full shock, trying to aim the gun at the truck but was too late. i blankly stared at his body, crushed beneath the tires.

he's dead..

the sunlight seeped into the room, i turned my head to see a halo figure approaching me. i squinted my eyes, trying to decipher who it was.

"dahyun.." he spoke, now kneeling in front of me. my eyes diluted. my heart started pounding. my knees were shaking.

"jimin?" i whispered, staring at his figure, not believing it was him. he placed his hands on my shoulders, "i'm so glad to see you. he didn't hurt you, did he?" my mouth felt dry, i had no idea whether i was dead or if this was actually happening. i shook my head nevertheless.

he smiled at me, making my heart pound even more.

okay..this is real.

"come on, we have to go," he said while putting his arm under my legs, lifting me up. the passenger seat to the truck door was open, he clambered me on, making me sit in the middle seat.

"dahyun!" another voice called.

i turned my head to the driver.


"good to see ya, girl! buckle up cuz things are about to get wild!" she yelled while reversing the truck back outside. jimin closed the door and buckled his seatbelt after mine.

"let's go!" he yelled as momo slammed her foot on the acceleration. the truck sped on through votty's campsite, destroying everything in its path.

"h-how..when did..w-why," i stammered, completely oblivious to the situation. momo replied loudly without looking away from the road, "after you got taken away, jimin and i decided to escape. it was tricky but we made it! we even crashed this truck through the lunch room so everyone could escape!" 

my eyes widened. everyone was free? i looked over at jimin, feeling tears form in my eyes. jimin looked at me, smiling while saying, "don't thank me, this is all your fault."

i creased my eyebrows, jimin continued, "you gave us the strength, dahyun. you gave us the power to feel powerful!" 

"you sure did! i feel so fucking powerful!" momo yelled, steering the truck towards the fence. there were several guards standing there, trying to stop us by shooting their guns.

of course, momo didn't stop. she sent the truck crashing through the gate, driving down the road and towards the main road.

"this is crazy," i muttered, gripping onto my seat.

"head for the motorway, we need to get back to the city so we can tell the police. once we cross the main bridge, we'll be safe," jimin yelled towards momo, quickly scanning the map.

"got it!" she yelled.

things escalated pretty quickly when we heard some motorcycles behind us. jimin's eyes grew big in shock. it was the gang members, chasing after us.

"shit, we have company. go faster!" jimin shouted. momo changed gears and sped up. the truck zoomed through the cars, overtaking some while bumping into others.

"we need to lose them, momo!" jimin yelled, seeing the motorcyclists coming closer. the truck was close to the bridge, we just needed to get over.

momo accelerated the truck even faster.

jimin squinted his eyes when he noticed something. on the other side of the bridge, there was a line of gangsters, all aiming their weapons at us.

"shit..we're not going to make it," jimin said, gripping onto my arm.

"no..." i breathed out.

"can i do something crazy?" momo asked out of nowhere. jimin and i looked at her with confused eyes. i asked, "what?" a smile crept onto her face.


she suddenly jerked the steering wheel to the left, driving the truck into the wrong direction.

"momo, no!" jimin yelled.

everything seemed to go in slow motion. the truck drove over the edge, falling towards the water. i felt jimin's grip on my arm tighten. momo lifted her arms up and screamed gleefully.

i watched as the water grew closer and closer. my mind flashed back to the time i fell into the river, the same eerie feelings came back.

jimin was yelling something at me but i couldn't hear. my body went limp, my vision started darkening and i stopped breathing.

i lost control.

the truck hit the water.

and then i woke up.


sorry it's late but hope u enjoyed :)


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