2 - choke

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"now class, i expect all those pages to be completed by the end of the week."

sitting in maths, completely zoned out as always. it didn't help that the teacher spoke in a monotone voice.

also didn't help that i couldn't sleep last night. my eyes felt heavy and my head started drooping down.

suddenly, my chair was kicked from behind. i abruptly woke up, my eyes wide open. i looked behind my shoulder to see jimin staring at me with a smirk playing on his lips.

"stop copying me, dahyun," he said to me, a little too loudly. the teacher heard him and turned her attention to me.

"kim dahyun!" she shouted, piercing me with her scary look. i turned my head back from jimin to the teacher, staring at her with wide eyes.

"i cannot tolerate this kind of behaviour. if you payed attention in class, you wouldn't need to copy other student's work!" she bellowed, her veins bulging out of her neck.

i opened my mouth in shock.

is this really happening?

i spoke in a quiet voice, "but ms, i didn't do it. jimin..he kicke-" the teacher stopped me, "i don't want to hear excuses! do you want to spend a week in detention?"

i shook my head and stayed quiet. the whole class stared at me with distant glares. jimin smiled with satisfaction as the teacher harshly yelled at me once more.

she returned to her whiteboard before quietly muttering, "lying twat."

so that was my morning. now lunch, where i was sitting alone per usual.

there was a giggle behind me, i turned my head to see jimin standing with a girl. he had his body pressed against hers as her hands slowly travelled to his crotch. she giggled again as jimin laid several butterfly kisses on her jaw.

"mmh, baby," he groaned out as she gripped onto his harden core. she teasingly started unzipping his pants, putting her hand inside his pants. he groaned and proceeded to suck the skin on her neck.

this happened every time jimin got a new girlfriend. he would be with a new girl every week. they would fuck everywhere and anywhere possible, the bathroom, janitor closet, classrooms and even the nurses office.

i didn't let it get to me. i could care less.

what happened next was worth mentioning.

as i was walking to my last class, something pushed me incredibly hard. i landed onto the ground. next thing i know, jimin was straddling me. he gripped my collar and glared at me with a terrifying expression.

"why did you threaten my girlfriend?!" he yelled at my face, blood coursing through his veins making his face red in anger. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and was about to say something when he gripped my neck,  painfully choking me.

i clawed at his hands, trying to release his strong grip. my face turned blue as i gasped for air, my legs kicked in desperation.

"you trying to kill her too?! huh?!" jimin yelled again, increasing his grip on my neck. tears formed in my eyes as i started seeing black spots in my vision.

this was the end, i was going to die.

"jimin!" a high pitched voice yelled out, grabbing jimin by the shoulder. i gasped for air as soon as his grip released from my neck. i looked in jimin's direction to see his girlfriend telling him something in distress.

"i meant the other dahyun! jeon dahyun not kim dahyun!" i heard her say.

jimin was perplexed and stared at her with wide eyes. his eyes turned to me on the ground as i started crying with agony.

"i can't believe you," his girlfriend stated, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the scene. the other student stared at me, none of which bothered to help.


"are you okay?" a gentle voice called out. a feather like touch was placed on my shoulder. i looked up to see an unfamiliar person crouching beside me. he brought his hand out and voiced out, "here, i'll help you." i stared at his hand with confusion.

'was this a dream?' i though to myself, looking at him with hesitant eyes.

'or maybe it's god carrying me to heaven,' i though, grabbing his hand. he smiled softly and pulled me up. we stood facing each other, he caressed my hand.

"are you okay?" he asked again, bringing his other hand up and wiped my tear soaked cheeks.

'yup, i'm definitely dead.'

"never thought my first day would start like this.." he spoke, smiling at me. i looked at his dashingly handsome face.

"you're a new student?" i asked in a croaky voice. the male nodded, never letting go of my hand. he said, "never thought i would meet a pretty girl on my first day either."

a smile crept my lips as i continued staring at him with dazed eyes.

"i'm kim dahyun," i weakly spoke out, continuing to smile at this stranger.

he returned the smile.

"i'm kim taehyung. nice to meet you."


hope you enjoyed it.


killer ; pjmWhere stories live. Discover now