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The picture (wherever it is) is of Marc aka Matt Cohen. Omg his eyes.

I apologise in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors, I shall edit this chapter (the whole story in fact) sometime in the future but as of now, this is all I can manage with the workload that I recieve from college everyday :(

Now that that's been said, you may start reading the chapter, enjoy x


The man wasn't kidding when he said be careful I thought as I let my feet lead me to safety, well I hope they do.

I keep running, constantly looking over my shoulder to see if the scary, wrestler-looking men are still behind me. Raindrops fall from the skies, wind blows and I keep running as fast as I can.

I come to a halt when I nearly meet with an accident as I try running across the road. Placing a hand on my knee and another on my chest, I try catching my breath. When I look up I see a familiar man walking towards me.

"Isra...I don't think this is the right weather or time for you to be going for a jog."

Straightening myself up, I head for the car, "Jamal, we have to go now."

"Is everything okay?"

"I'll explain it to you on the way, please let's just go."

A few moments later when we're buckled up in the car Jamal glances at me worriedly, "So what happened? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"No, they were more like satan's brothers," I growl.

He chuckles slightly but turns it into a cough when I give him a pointed look, "They? Why do I have a feeling this is much more serious than I'm hoping it is?"

Gulping, I grimace as I know I'm going to have to tell him what happened. It wasn't a pleasant situation that I had been in and it's an even worse memory and I'd prefer if I could act like it never happened, even if it was just a mere few minutes ago.

I explain everything to him. I tell him how Marc had sent me to straight to the office the minute I arrived at the hotel. Technically speaking, he told me I had to recieve a package for him outside the office but same thing. I tell him how when I'd got there I didn't see anyone with said package and started getting impatient that I nearly left. But then a car pulled up in front of me and there was two men inside, asking for directions. One of them had taken out a photograph and held it up, comparing what he saw on it with me. That's when I had sensed something was up. I told them I didn't know the directions and started walking off.

"They got out the car and started following me, chasing me, and then you nearly run me over."

"Wow," he exhales, as if he can't believe what he's just heard, "Why would Marc tell you to recieve a package at a time like this, you may be his secretary or whatever it is that you are but first and foremost... you're a woman."


When I get home I all but jump in the shower with the hope that any traces of what had happened will wash away and go down the drain along with the hot water. After feeling slightly satisfied, I turn the tap off and pull on my pyjamas that sit on the door hanger.

Letting my wet hair fall on my shoulders, I exit the bathroom and head for my bedroom. I guess Kashif and I won't be having that talk today because all I desire is my bed and a deep slumber that'll give me a rest from reality.

So of course, when my phone goes off the next morning informing me that it's time to get to work, I want nothing but to chop someone's head off. It wasn't the waking up early in the morning that ticks me off, no it's the fact that whatever had occurred yesterday was because I'm working for him, the devil himself - Marc Edson Franklin.

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