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I am stupid.

Yes, Neha has told me this numerous times before but now, now I’m convinced that I’m a damn fool.



“Alhamdulillah,” I stopped walking and placed my palm on my forehead as if that would lessen the headache and the increasing dizziness. No, it didn’t lessen anything. However, taking medication may have helped. But no, apparently carelessness and forgetfulness were traits that I unfortunately possess.

So I was left to face the consequences; the symptoms of hay fever. It really didn’t help that I was running around, exposed to all this pollen, as I tried to get back home.


“Alhamdulillah,” I could feel my eyes getting itchier by the minute but my mind was distracted by the thought of going back home.

I really didn’t know what to expect, what Hasfa had to say. I mean, a massive part of me wished that she was playing a prank on me but my gut was telling me otherwise. It was just hard to believe and it depressed me as I thought of how she may have got pregnant. I mean, she couldn’t have got pregnant willingly...right?

No, definitely not.

So then, maybe she was ra...

No, that can’t be why.

But who’s the father?

All this thinking was just increasing my headache and the busy surroundings were just increasing my dizziness. Everything was suddenly spinning and instead of walking, I stood in one spot – my head feeling heavier and heavier and my eyes refusing to stay open. It didn't help that Marc was probably going to yell at me for not having placed the "important" paper work in his room, even though he was the one who hadn't listened to me on the phone.


I didn't even get the chance to ask Melissa or Anaya, or even Amanda, if I'd seen her, to tell him that I wouldn't be able to get them for him. Well he's not going to be happy, at all.

Exhaustion took over and I felt myself losing balance, thus abruptly falling to the concrete ground. Agonizing pain shot up the side of my head but I had no energy left in me to see if I was bleeding or not.

The last thing I saw was a pair of dark, worried eyes glued to mine as the man frantically spoke into his phone.

And then, all I saw was darkness.


                                                 “Is she going to be alright?” I hear a man - well I would think it was a man from the deep voice - ask.

I heard some shuffling and then I heard another person, a woman, speak, “she should be fine, she just needs some rest.”

I could feel breaths hitting the side of my face and I could hear more shuffling, but this time the shuffling was closer. I thought that keeping my eyes shut would give the people a hint that someone was trying to sleep. But boy was I wrong.

I snapped my eyes open and immediately whipped my head to my left, with an irritated “who are you?” being the first thing to leave my lips. The man jerked his head back slightly, clearly amused by my outburst from the smile that was playing on the corner of his lips.

 “I think she’s awake,” he chuckled, his eyes glued to mine. In return I just shot him a flat look, wasn’t it obvious that I was awake?

As I became even more awake I began to take in my surroundings and when I realised that I was in fact in a hospital, I turned to the man beside me.

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