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                                              I was in the middle of nowhere. Now, you might be thinking that I was kidnapped but no. Sir had told me I’d be working at his house and do you know what he did? Well, more like what he didn’t do...Basically, he didn’t tell me his address. Now you tell me – how am I supposed to get there? That idiot...

Suddenly an idea popped into my head. You know in cartoons where a bulb lights up on top of the character’s head? Yeah, I think I just had that moment.

I whipped out my phone, with the intention of calling my boss. But alas, my genius plan wasn’t so ‘genius’ because I didn’t have his number. I think my light bulb isn’t working anymore.

I groaned as there was now only one solution...

...Going to the office. This was just great. I hope that the sarcasm is evident.

About fifteen minutes later I was standing outside Sir’s door. My heart beat quickened as I hesitantly knocked on it. I waited for a response; silently praying that he wasn’t here today. But if he wasn’t here then he’ll be at his house – waiting for me.

“Come in,” a familiar deep, irritated, firm voice rang in my ears.

Ya Allah...

Slowly, I opened the door and poked my head in. He was sat behind his computer paying me no attention whatsoever. I shouldn’t be surprised really. It just seems like being rude is in his nature. I let myself in, making sure to keep the door ajar just in case anything happened.

I cleared my throat as I reached the front of his desk, succeeding in gaining his attention as he looked up at me. “Uh...Salaa-Hi Sir.”

“What are you doing here; didn’t I make it clear that you’re no longer working here?”

Well hello to you too.

“Actually Sir, I would’ve gone to your house – wallah – but I don’t think that would’ve been possible seeing as you never told me where you lived,” yes, he is the one at fault. However, I immediately regretted my wording as he glared at me, incensed and slightly confused.

Well done Isra, you just can’t control what you say can you? “What I meant was; you didn’t give me your address. would I know where to go...?”

“And you couldn’t call me?”

“I would’ve done that too,” I scoffed. “If I had your number – which you did not give to me by the way,” I muttered the last part; with no plan of him hearing me. But he must’ve heard me for he shot daggers my way. I simply smiled at him.

He sighed and I couldn’t help but feel a little victorious. Maybe more than a little, but hey, who wouldn’t? I had the final say against Marc Edson Franklin and I made him sigh! The happiness bubbling inside me is enough to make me dismiss the fact that I probably sound like an idiot.

Suddenly, a card was placed in front of me. A business card. I looked at it, and then looked at sir – who happened to be giving his undivided attention to the computer...again. I picked up the card; inspecting it until I realised that it was the company’s business card.

“That has my number on it. Save it and I’ll text you the address.” He didn’t even blink in my direction as he spoke. I find myself smiling to myself as I walk off.


                                   Whoa. Wow. Wow. Whoa.

                               Those were the only words spiralling in my head as I stood outside the Franklin household. It wasn’t even a house; oh no this was a freaking mansion. I think the fact that it was bigger than the neighbouring houses and that it stood on its own made it look even more magnificent.

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