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 Exhaling deeply, for the fifth time, I sunk into the leather couch; waiting for him to finish the phone conversation. I took this time to examine the square room which happens to be his office. My, oh my, it was simple yet so beautiful. Behind the couch I was sat on was a window. You know the whole wall? Yeah it’s a window which gave a very nice view of the city might I add. And this couch, wallah if I could, I would sleep on it. The whole office was basically white and simply breath-taking.

“...ok, thank you...yes ok, bye,” I turned to my right and he placed the phone on the desk as he stood up. I watched as he walked around the desk and picked up a box off the floor, which I had not seen all this time, and make his way towards me. Clutching the phone in my hand, I stood up.

“Sir, are you moving out or something? This box...” I enquired. “What’s it for?”

“This box,” he began, holding the box out to me and I held my arms out between us. “This box has important files which you will be reading and checking to make sure there are no mistakes and then typing up,” he dropped- literally- the heavy box into my delicate arms causing me to lose my balance for a second.


“I don’t like repeating myself,” his inanimate eyes burned mine as he growled.

“I kn-“

“This needs to be done before everyone arrives which is at 7:30, am I clear?”

“Clear as glass,” I smiled brightly.

“Good, and then I expect you to be in the conference room 7:35 sharp with my coffee, understood?”

“Coffee. 7:35. Sharp. Understood,” I nod.

“Good because I-“

“Don’t like repeating yourself? I know yo-“

“I also don’t like being interrupted,” he snapped at me.

“You interrupt me and then say I shouldn’t interrupt. I sense hypocrisy,” I chuckled to myself and quickly turned it into a cough as he stared daggers at me. “I-I mean...inshaallah, I’ll get everything done and be in the conference room at,” I smiled up at him.

He looked down at me, looking slightly taken back and confused as ever.

Do I have something in my teeth?

He quickly composed himself and I stood in bewilderment as I couldn’t make out whether he just expressed some emotion other than anger or if I’m just imagining things. Shrugging it off, I turned on my heel and headed out.


One more sheet to type up and I’ll be done. I didn’t bother checking for any mistakes since all the previous ones had none and I quickly typed it up, sending it to the grouch once I was done.

Alhamdulillah, I smiled inwardly and went to prepare a coffee for sir.

Sir is just like this coffee itself; bitter like its taste and harsh like its smell.

Sighing at the fact that I was going to see him; I grabbed the coffee and reluctantly made my way to the conference room.

Once I was outside I noticed professional-looking men and women making their way in the room and for a minute I felt like an outsider and was questioning whether I was supposed to be here.

Bismillah, I muttered to myself just before letting myself into the room. Inside, all the men and women were taking their seats, getting out folders and greeting each other formally around the long rectangle wooden table that was the centre of the room. My eyes roamed around for a moment before settling on the person I was looking for. He sat right at the head of the table which just highlighted the fact that he was the boss.

Working for Him...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant