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That was literally all I could think as I stared at the tall glass building that stood before me. I couldn’t even begin to describe just how magnificent it was. Seriously... before I could even begin to let the beauty of the building settle into my head I felt myself losing balance as I was barged. Of course, I fell flat on my ass. And yes, it hurt. I placed a hand on my forehead to block the sun’s rays as I scowled at the jerk that was to blame for the weird looks that I was currently receiving.

“I apologise, it seems as though some people don’t know how to bloody move out of the way to let others pass,” although there was a phone held against his ear I knew well enough that he was talking to me.

“I apologise, it seems as though some people clearly don’t know how to say ‘excuse me’ so others can actually know they need to pass,” I helped myself up and tried to fix my hijab and adjust my bag.

“You should think about the way you're speaking to me,” he growled and I suddenly felt small as he stared down at me, the anger evident in his green or grey eyes. Honestly, it looked like a mixture of the two. They could be blue for all I know. He started approaching me slowly and I felt myself taking small steps backwards. Ya Allah, what have I done?

Without a word or stopping he simply walked past, no wait, he barged me – once again- and walked into the building.

“Jerk!” I yelled but I knew it was no use getting angry like this.

Subhanallah, Alhamdulilla, Allahu Akbar... Ya Allah please let this day go well inshaallah.

I took a deep breath and released it before going through the glass door. When I had gotten inside I rushed to the receptionist who looked up from the computer an eyebrow raised.

“Can I help?” she seemed a little impatient but I guess she had a lot of work to do.

“My name is Isra Kamil, it’s my first day here today,” I spoke, making sure I was loud and clear enough so I wouldn't take up anymore of her time than necessary.

She paused for a second before she responded, “You're going to have to speak to my boss, come with me.”

I followed the tall lady into the lift and she led me up to the second floor. I started praying internally once again and soon I found myself standing outside an office as the lady knocked on the door. I felt more and more anxious as we waited for an answer. I lowered my gaze and began fiddling with my fingers as we continued to wait.

“He must be busy,” she muttered more to herself than me. She lifted her arm to knock again but was stopped mid-way as the two doors flung open. “Ah sir Isra here is new and I’m not sure of what to assign her s-“

“I’ll take it from here, you go back to work,” a masculine voice spoke. More like ordered, rude. Well that’s not even surprising since this is the same jerk who doesn’t seem to know what respect is.


It can’t be...

I lift my head up slowly as my heartbeat began to quicken.

“You!” I half yelled before I could stop myself. My eyes almost broke free from my skull and gulped as I realised I basically just yelled at my boss.

The same stupid jerk that had knocked me over not so long ago was my boss.

Ya Allah...

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