Chap.9 - Marc's P.O.V....kinda.....idk

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Marc’s POV 

                                                                           Today was one of the many important days at the office. On days like this, there would be a major client that the boss, Mr Marc Edson Franklin, and his partner, Mr Dayyaan Edson Franklin, would be meeting and having important discussions with, which could last for over three hours. The entire staff at the office is expected to be on their best behaviour, as usual, but on days like this, there could be no mistakes or they were simply fired.

Mr Marc Edson Franklin will not tolerate anyone messing up deals which would hugely benefit his company; he will carelessly get rid of anyone who was capable of doing just that.

“Marc I’ll just go and get the file for the meeting,” Dayyaan excused himself as Marc gave a nod.

After checking through some emails in his office, he headed for conference room, whilst going over the main points for the meeting in his head.

“Er, sir?” Marc stopped in his tracks to look up at a terrified short woman clutching a phone to her chest.

“What?” he growled.

Shakily, she spoke, “actually, Miss Izra says she has something urgent to...”

“What the...?” he snatched the phone out of her hands and slammed it against his ear. Without waiting to hear what she had to say, through gritted teeth he barked down the phone, “Don't ever call me again when I’m about to meet a client, ever. Unless someone is dying, don't you dare call me, I don't care Isra Ali Kamil.”

After ending the call (without waiting for a response), he shoved the phone back into the woman’s hand. “Are you new here?”

“Y-yes sir.”

“Ok, well the next time you even think of interrupting me before I meet a client, you may as well pack your things and go home because you best believe that I will fire you without any hesitation, am I making myself clear?”

On the verge of tears, the woman gave a hasty nod.

Marc Edson Franklin didn’t waste any more time to get to see if she did actually cry, he simply just barged past her. He just couldn’t comprehend why some people found it hard to believe that a company does not just simply become successful; you have to work hard. But even if it did become successful, it doesn’t just simply stay successful; you have to maintain the strength of the company. And to do that, you had to meet with important clients like today’s one and make deals with them.

By the time he had reached the conference room, Mr Marc Edson Franklin had calmed down and was more than ready to proceed with the meeting.

                                                                As expected, the meeting had lasted for so long that anyone who was ignorant about running a successful business would think it was ridiculous that they had spent hours discussing a deal. But, the Franklin brothers were both satisfied and relieved about the astounding consequences of it. Not only did they manage to sign a contract for the current deal but they were pretty dead set on the chance that they will very soon be signing another contract and god knows, the more the merrier because Marc could just see how much this would benefit the company. It was times like these that Marc knew his hard-work was paying off and it was times like these that gave him the strength to continue his hard-work.

“We’ll definitely be in contact again,” Mr Abrar – the client – had promised whilst firmly shaking Marc’s hand and muttering “Insha’Allah” as Marc gave a small nod of agreement.

Marc had no idea what the meaning of the weird phrase Mr Abrar had said was but he was going to take it as good sign. Without the intention, his mind drifted to Isra...she had definitely said that same phrase before. Before he could dismiss the thought of her, he suddenly recalled the phone call.

Muttering a “Shit...” through clenched teeth, he pulled out his phone and called her up. After at least three attempts, he was directed to voicemail, again. This only angered him. If there was something so ‘urgent’ that he needed to know then why is she not answering his phone calls?

“Stupid women and their stupid ways,” he declared before catching up with Dayyaan, hopping into the car and heading home.

                                                  The shock on both Dayyaan’s and (mostly) Marc’s faces didn’t go unnoticed when they had entered the living-room. Marc had sensed that something wasn’t right the minute he saw the extra car in the driveway but he didn’t expect it to be his older sister’s car.

“What the...?” was all he could say when he saw Melissa and Anaya conversing on the couch like two-year-olds.

He glanced at Anaya, who mischievously smiled up at him and then at Melissa, whose face brightened up like a brand new light-bulb as she got up to greet her two beloved younger brothers.

Dayyaan and Marc briefly exchanged looks before approaching her to save her any hassle. Especially in her condition, she should be resting most of the time.

“Assalaam alaykum Dayyaan,” she grinned as he replied and turned to Marc, “Marc...Assalaam alaykum.”

Rolling his eyes, Marc spoke, “Mel you know I’m not going to reply in that weird language.”

“Yes, I know, I know but a girl can dream right?” she beamed at the two before pulling them into an embrace.

“A girl can dream but I believe you're a woman, am I right?” Dayyaan mocked and Melissa playfully punched his arm.

“And you,” she turned to Marc, “what is this that I’m hearing about this whole ‘getting married’ crap?”

“Mel...” he groaned, like a child in his sister’s eyes, before glaring at Anaya who stuck her tongue out defensively and grabbed Melissa by the arm.

“Yeah, even I was shocked by the news Mel... I mean how does one make such a rash decision? Even ask Dayyaan.”

“Don't get me involved,” Dayyaan warned as he bit into an apple.

“Shut up Anaya,” Marc growled at a self-satisfied Anaya and began storming off.

“Hey, before you go, are there any other changes that have happened in your life since I left?” Melissa called out to her baby brother.

“He’s got a personal assistant,” Anaya pointed out, forcing Marc’s stomping to come to a stop.

“Personal assistant...?”

“She’s very pretty, she’s so sweet and funny,” Anaya listed and Melissa’s eyebrows rose as she kept hearing ‘she’. “Oh and she’s Muslim.”

“She’s Muslim?” an excited Melissa enquired.

“Yup,” Anaya replied, popping the ‘p’. “To be honest, Marc should get married to her instead of bloody Amanda,” she added quietly.

Marc, and everyone else, had heard the teenage girl but he couldn’t be bothered telling her to ‘shut up’ again since that clearly doesn’t work the first time.

“Ya Allah,” Dayyaan sighed heavily, “if you guys are done...I’d like to eat please, an apple isn’t going to fill my very hungry stomach.”

“You have legs and arms, Alhamdulillah. So please use them to your advantage,” Melissa huffed but still made her way to the kitchen to prepare the food.

“Jazak’Allah Khair!” he called out to her and sunk into the couch.

As for Marc, he continued on his way to his room, leaving his crazy family before they drove him to the point of insanity.  

hope you enjoyed that!

-Mayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :) 

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