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"What's wrong, Isra?" he tilts his head sideways so that our eyes meet.

Using the back of my hands I wipe my face and take a few steps back, leaving a comfortable distance between us.

"Nothing," I smile.

"Bullsh*t...and don't give me that smile it's unconvincing," he strides back to his desk and leans on it. "So what's wrong? I can't have you constantly giving me headaches because of your erratic pacing around in my office."

"It's personal, I wouldn't feel comfortable discussing it with you, and I'm sorry about that. It won't happen again."

He blinks once, twice, "Okay. As long as your performance isn't affected-"

"No, of course it isn't," I cut him off.

"I'm not saying this because I'm worried about you, but I don't want you out of my site-


"You seem to be in your own world quite often and contrary to what you're claiming, it is affecting your performance. Oh and don't make this interrupting me mid-speech a habit, it's annoying."

I bite on my lip for a moment, before sighing ever so loudly as I mentally conclude that it'll probably be easier to get information about Marc's father from Marc himself. So I guess 'not leaving his site' is a good thing, for now.

"I understand, but, uhm, if my presence suddenly becomes annoying I don't want to hear it."

He pulls a face, "not once has your presence not been annoying, just go and quietly do your work."

Since then Marc had kept me running back and forth over the littlest things, stupid things too. For the sake of me not leaving his site, he even had me go into his office "just because".

As I eat my lunch, I ponder on why I kept going in each time he called. I guess, despite what he said, I was kind of touched that he was worried about me. A smile creeps onto my face, he was worried about me. And that felt nice. 

I decide that it's kind of lonely eating lunch alone and head to Marc's office. I mean, he did say he didn't want me out of his site. Who am I to disobey my boss, right?

Marc's eyes follow my every move as I close the door behind me and comfortably place myself on the couch.

"Are you still curious as to why I was like that earlier?" I ask.

"I was never curious."

"So you are," I nod, "it's okay if you are, I've decided to tell you what happened."

I suppress a smile as I watch him slowly place his pen down and look at me. So he was curious, huh.

"Do you ever feel like your older sister is not suffering? Because she's always there to help you and your problems?"


"I do too-"

"I said no-"

"But today I really came to realise that she's got problems too, y'know?"

"Everyone has problems."

"Yeah well had I known that earlier I would have been there for her, y'know?"

"You should be there for her regardless."

"It's not like I wasn't," I defend myself. "I'm just saying that I would've helped her find solutions to those pacific problems...if only I had known."

"It's specific and it sounds to me like you've been a little bit selfish, only focusing on your own problems and nobody else's."

"Excuse me, but I'll have you know the only reason I'm married is-" I let out a gasp as I realise what was about to come out of my mouth.

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