Chapter 9

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Hi everybody! I am back and with a new chapter! I hope you enjoy! Trust me, this is just the beginning...You guys don't even know whats coming...So just prepare yourselves. XOXO        -Hannah<3


CHAPTER 9: Sydney sat on the private jet, staring at the lemon that floated at the top of her lemonade. They had been flying for two hours already and Sydney felt the need to be done travelling burn just as bad as where her hand had been burned did.

She looked out the window to see they were floating among the big downy clouds. Anxiety tightened like a fist around her sternum as she looked down at the bandage on her hand, reminding her of the old woman and what she had said.

There was no way that the woman had been talking about Syd's past.

How would a random old woman in a gas station hundred and hundred of miles from home know about Sydney?

But, in a way, she felt like she already knew...even if she was confused about that part, she was sure of it...the only thing it could be was if it was her past.

It must be Richard.

Somehow, someway.

But it couldn't be him, could it?

He was in prison, last she knew.

But who else would be after her?


It was Richard. Frustration began to build in her blood because she was so confused.

Was it Richard, was it not Richard, if it wasn't Richard then who was it?

The questions and relentless thoughts were never-ending in their cruel onslaught. Her mother had told Sydney that if she ever had any questions, to ask, but the one time Sydney had, her mother had clammed up, gone pale and had the worst panic attack.

Seeing her mother in that state and feeling like she had put her was devastating to little Sydney and she knew she would never put her mother through that again if she had anything to do with it.

So, it was something that was shoved very far back into a dark closet that was under lock and key. It was never acknowledged, because in Sydney's mind, if you acknowledge something like that...if you notice notices you back.

Goosebumps broke out along her flesh.

Someone was trying to kill her, that much she knew, and the only person that could possibly want her dead-was Richard.

Somehow, he was after her from where he was.

Maybe he had paid somebody. She stopped the thoughts there with a definite and hard shake of her head.

Richard was insane and evil.

She could try to understand him and his way of thinking, but she knew she never truly would understand.

So why was she trying?

It was only causing her more worry and right there at that moment, thousands and thousands of feet in the air in a big machine, safe...She shouldn't worry about it.

She shouldn't put herself through something that hadn't happened yet. She was going to cling to 'normal' for as long as humanly possible. She had that want-that need-to be normal inside of her, but it wasn't as bad as it had been when she was younger because as she got older, she had come to understand that nobody on this earth was truly normal.

Some people just knew how to hide their demons better than others...

Finally coming out of the spell of stress and anxiety, she looked down at her hand, noticing that during her nervous thinking she had been picking at the bandage, causing the adhesive to pull up at the sides.

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