Chapter 25

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Alright guys, I know I ended the last one on a cliffhanger so I am going to make sure to give you this one immediately, especially to make up for the fact I was gone for so long! I will get right to it...I hope you enjoy.

I love you! You matter!


CHAPTER 25: Sydney was hit hard from the side, the air expelled from her lungs in a painful force that had her let in a wheezing gasp as she landed hard onto the ground.

Her head hit with a resounding crack that rattled her teeth together excruciatingly. Fuzziness descended her mind like a fog, but she was yanked out of it when the man above her, slapped her hard enough to clear it.

She coughed and blinked hard, trying to clear her vision and when it did she was met with the image of a menacing man above her.

He held no familiarity that rang clear in her brain, but the tattoo printed under his chin on his neck at the base of his throat did and as her eyes locked on it, dread settled like a winter's frost along her bones.

Eyes filling with terror, she slowly dragged her eyes away from that haunting symbol. He was a part of Richard's cult.

She tried not to let the fear she felt consume her.

If she wanted to get out of this alive, she needed to keep as clear of a head as possible.

The man stood at around 6'2, he was bulky but lean, all muscle-that much she could tell from the force his meaty fist packed when it slammed into her face.

His hair was cropped close to his scalp, longer on top than the sides, his eyebrows darker than his deep chestnut colored hair, a nasty scar running from his eyebrow down to the other side of his face just below his jaw, the skin a nasty puckered pink.

He pulled back his lips in a feral grin. "So nice to meet the little bitch who has been causing all of the problems."

He kneeled down next to her and grabbed a fistful of her long blonde hair to jerk  her face to his. "You know, I don't know why someone hasn't taken you out yet. You are just a little thing. Easy to fuck up and dispose of."

She grit her teeth against the burning fire of pain that bloomed along her scalp as his grip tightened further.

"What do you want from me?" She snarled out.

His eyes darkened as his lip twitched with anger. "I want what so many of the followers want. I want you six feet under...where you belong...where you should have ended up all those years ago when our prophet...your daddy dearest, tried to kill you and failed so miserably."

She was grateful that the fear left her just enough for anger to replace it.

She leaned her face closer to his, trying not to grimace in disgust as his breath, stinking of stale cigarettes, filled her nostrils.

"You are all...nothing...but crazy fucking lunatic cowards. Fuck you!"

She regretted opening her mouth an instant later as his fist moved so fast, she could barely see it coming as it cracked against her face, right on her jaw, by her mouth.

She felt pain burst in the area, shooting through the many nerves in her face as the inside of her mouth split open as it hit forcefully against her teeth.

The familiar taste of iron descended on her tongue as warm blood filled her mouth.

She coughed as some of it dribbled down the back of her throat, turning her head to the side to spit it next to his shoe.

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