Chapter 6

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Hi everybody. I am back. :) I am so sorry for being away for so long, but life hasn't been the easiest or the greatest lately. On the bright side of things, I don't have cancer! I am so happy and I am so grateful. Its scary to have your first cancer scare at 20 years old. But, there has also been something else that happened that has shook the very foundation of who I am as a person...I haven't been able to write. Physically, mentally, emotionally. It was too exhausting. But for the first time in a month, I was ABLE to write. I was able to get past that block and past my own toxic thoughts. I am going to be seeing a trauma therapist and I am sure that will help me even more. I am SO freaking happy and excited to be back, I have so much in store for you. I love you each so much and thank you for always being you guys. I don't know what I would do without each one of you. Now, without further ado, here you go! I am actually working on the new chapter RIGHT NOW so it will be up soon. Keep your eyes open. I love you guys. XOXO -Hannah<3


CHAPTER 6:  Marcello felt the tension in the silence that filled the hotel bedroom, practically moving across his skin electric shockwaves. He looked up finding Antony shoving Sydney's things into her bag along with a few other of things, only the necessities, really. 

They knew now that this place wasn't secure and that Sydney wasn't safe here.


That is all that mattered to Marcello.

 He looked over his shoulder as he, too, packed her things. Just over the top of the couch he could see the dip of her torso, her head resting on the inside of her arm. 

She was completely still, her breathing even, but Marcello couldn't tell if she was asleep. 

He felt the need to go to her itch at his skin like he had encountered poison ivy. He wanted to laugh in that moment. 

She was his poison, deadly to him, but she was also the thing that kept him going. From where he stood, he envisioned long and grossy green vines sprouting out from beneath her to cushion her in soft plush green leaves, her skin a glowing beacon. 

He swallowed hard, mouth dry as he tore his eyes away, finding Antony watching him with narrowed eyes. He didn't pay any mind to his twin. 

It was quiet for a moment before Antony spoke, albeit reluctantly. "You need to tell me what upset her so much." Antony said and Marcello calmly met his gaze across the length of the bed. 

"I don't have to do anything." He said quietly, voice gruff.

 Antony's eyes flared. "You know I will find out, so make it easier and just tell me now, goddammit. Don't be stubborn like you always are. Sydney is in danger and for some reason I feel like this is all tied together in a deadly web with fucking Syd at its center. Speak." Antony said sternly and Marcello's fists clenched at his sides, something Antony wasn't able to see from where he was standing. 

Marcello was never told what to do or at least he never obeyed to orders given to him. He was the man that gave orders.

 Not the other way around. 

But, with that being said, he knew that his brother was like a dog with a bone. He wouldn't stop until he knew.

 Marcello's jaw tightened as he told Antony about what had happened that evening of a family dinner, recalling it as he did so.

Marcello washed the knife off under a faucet of water before going back to the cutting board next to his mother. Antony was behind them stirring the pasta noodles while Alice and Ethan sat in the front room together watching T.V. 

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