"What about her?" I frowned.

"Well," She said as she spun her hair around her finger, "I can't tell you if you don't want to talk to me." D*mnit, she's got me trapped.

"Ok, what?" I frowned.

"We can't talk here, it's too open," She said biting her lip as she pulled me into an empty classroom.

"What are you gonna say about her?" I scowled.

"She's a slut," Vienna said flipping her hair.

"D*mnit Vienna, you just don't like her because I like her more than you," I frowned.

"She isn't good enough for you," Vienna frowned.

"You're not good enough for me," I frowned back. "I'm leaving,"

"Ok," Vienna sand, "well, I think that Brooke's gonna have a really bad day tomorrow,"

I turned back around growled, "What the h*ll are you planning?" 

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" She grinned evilly. Girls are so confusing.

"Ok, what do you want?" I scowled at her.

"Oh so now you figured it out, huh?" She said batting her eyelashes.

"So what do you want? Money?" I said.

"I'm not a prostitute, Adam," She said rolling her eyes. But you dress like one, so same thing.

"Then what do you want?" I frowned. Hopefully, Brooke isn't waiting too long.

"How about in exchange for not bothering Brooke, you give me a kiss," She smirked. "With your shirt off and you have to kiss me back." I thought for a moment. Was it really worth it?

"What about something else?" I said trying to change her mind.

"Nope, that's the deal," She shrugged casually.

"No, I can't cheat on Brooke," I said as I walked towards the door, she has probably been waiting for a while now.

"Okaayy then," She said in a sing-song voice, "I guess Brooke will have one h*ll of a day tomorrow." Sh*t, what's she gonna do to her? Should I do it? That's what she said. Back to the subject. 

"What are you gonna do to her?" I scowled; this is wasting my time.

"Oh, I can't tell you," She smiled sweetly, "Or else it's not gonna be a surprise,"

"Just tell me," I frowned at her.

"Nope," She grinned. "Don't you have somewhere to be? Plus I need to pick up a few things for a little surprise,"

"Wait, so if I kiss you, you won't-" I said as Vienna cut me off.

"Without a shirt," She butted in.

"Ok, so if I kiss you without a shirt, you won't bother Brooke, ever?" I asked.

"Yup, ever," She nodded.

"Is there anything else? I could wash your car in a speedo or something, since you're so obsessed with me," I offered.

"Nope, you have to kiss me, and don't worry about cheating on Brooke; she's not here and what happens in this room stays in this room," Vienna said sincerely.

"Er, okay," I said giving in. I leaned in and Vienna's lips met mine, and then they quickly pulled away.

"That's it?" I grinned, "Ok bye!" Ok, it was just a quick kiss, nothing else. Maybe I'll tell Brooke, later though. My mind was racing about a million miles per second as I headed towards the door, but Vienna stopped me.

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