(father) Stefan Salvatore - Mind player

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Billie's P.O.V.

Everyone is standing in a circle made of fire which is surrounding us. Dad, mom, Uncle Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, Jeremy and Alaric are all looking around with fear, just like I do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't even know what is happening. I spin on myself trying to find a possible way out of this ring of fire but there's none. I can feel the heat of the fire being extreme. It's so hot! Suddenly, I feel my mother, Katerina Petrova aka Katherine Pierce grabbing my left wrist while my father grabs my right one. I lived my whole life with my father. My parents don't get along very well but they do get along when it's about my protection and my safety. I never met my mother before last year. It was a shock, a surprise and a dark period, but in the end, I am glad to actually know her. All of us are looking around the circle, trying to find a possible way out as the heat is becoming almost unbearable.

- Does anyone see an opportunity to jump above the flames? Screams, Jeremy while standing next to Tyler. I look at him as I feel my parents pushing me to the middle of the circle to be as far as possible from the flames.

- Maybe there, replies, Alaric while pointing at a spot. The teacher runs towards the spot he indicated when the flames suddenly flare up. The teacher quickly backs off, looking surprised and nervous. We're stuck!

- What is happening? I ask to my father and mother as I look around with a scared frown. Suddenly, the whole ring made of fire is flaring up, increasing the heat.

- Stefan! I hear my mother calling my father with fear. I look at her as I feel her releasing my wrist when I remark dad opening his jacket.

- I know, Katherine, responds, dad. Come here, Sweetie, he tells me, opening his jacket and placing me in front of him so he can cover me with it. It won't do much but it still does protect me a bit from the flames. But it's ever hotter now...

- Dad, it's hot already, I complain.

- I know, Billie, but it's to protect you from it, explains me, dad with a gentle, yet firm tone. He looks around, frowning alarmed.

- We will burn, anyway, I reply to him as I stare at the fire.

- We are not letting you die, Honey, tells me, mom seriously and firmly while staring into my eyes. I nod while lightly frowning.

- We'll see about that, tells a sudden voice, coming from out of the circle of fire. Suddenly, the flames lower down, letting two Originals appearing in front of us. Smoke is surrounding us now. Long time no see, smirks, Klaus while staying outside the circle. My sister and I were on a little road trip when we both thought : "What the hell? We should be at Mystic Falls, doing what we do best. Torture, compel and kill" keeps smirking, the Original Hybrid before beginning to walk around the circle.

- What are you doing here? Questions, Elena as she frowns at him with madness. Why do you need us all?

- Well, I want to play a game, answers, Klaus as he continues to walk around.

- A game? Questions, Bonnie with confusion and upset.

- You heard right, Bonnie. You tried to kill me, you actually did but I came back. However, you killed my brother Finn, you stabbed Elijah more than once, same for Rebekah and Kol, recounts us, Klaus, looking angry at all of us. I pull away from my dad but this one keeps an arm around I, stopping me from going any further.

- But we did help you kill your father, in a way, I remind him with a serious voice as I frown at him.

- Right. Right, nods, the Original Hybrid. But that's not enough. You see, I want some actions. I want some vibes. Killing innocent people would be pointless and so random. But killing one of you, smirks, Klaus while pointing at us all. I swallow my saliva with difficulty as I step back, bumping my back against my father's chest. I turn my head to glance at my mother, seeing her scared. It's so rare to see her like this.

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