Shane Walsh (daughterXdad) I knew you were alive

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I was only 13 years old when all this less happened. I was living with my dad, Shane Walsh, near Atlanta. He was all I had left because I never met my mom. She left right after I was born. Shane, my dad raised me up and I'm proud of who I am and who he is. I'm proud that he is the sheriff's coworker. But all that was before the apocalypse.

I was at home waiting for my dad to come back for diner when I heard my neighbours screaming. I exited my room and took a knife before leaving my house. I tried to call my dad and the police station but nobody answered me. I walked into my neighbours house and went upstairs where the screams were. I opened the bathroom door and discovered the old man getting eaten by something horrible. I was shocked, blood were everywhere and the man was dead. The thing turned around and walked toward me but I escaped before it could touched me. I walked back into my house and locked the doors and the windows. I was trembling, crying, shocked. I did not know what to do. I put my hands on my head and thought. What would my dad do in those circumstances ? What was that thing ? Why did it killed my neighbour ? All those questions were without answers until today.

I have been on my own for a good time now. I stopped counting the days, the months, maybe the years. I met nice people, bad people, I almost died several times by saving other people's life of just by running into walkers, I searched for food and water, and more important, a place to stay safe the night. Right now, I'm sitting around a table alone and hurt. I cut badly myself on a branch outside. I desinfected my wound.

- AHHHHH, I scream of pain while pourring the liquid on my arm. Tears are already streaming down my cheeks. I groan as I stitch up my arm. My hand is shaking badly. I wish you were here dad, I whisper crying and bandaging my arm. I erase my tears when I hear a gunfire. I put my bag on my back and my saber in my hand. I exit the small cabin in the night and run toward the sound.

I can see a fire and people sitting around it. Tents are settled around and a barn is not far from it. A big house is just beside the camp. I pass beside the barn and I hear a growling sound coming from the barn. I put my ear on the barn and gasp. It is full of walkers ! Did they do this ? Are they unconscious of the situation nowadays ? I walk up there to the group outside.

- guys, I have to tell you something, I hear a guy say. He looks asian. The barn is full of walkers.
- quite playing Glenn, say a familiar voice. I frown.
- he is not lying, I say loud enough for them to hear me. All their eyes are staring at me in shocked. Some point their guns at me. The barn is full of walkers, I just passed beside it.
- Who are you ? Ask a man with a crossbow pointing at me.
- not your enemy crossbowman, come on put it down so we can all talk.
- you don't have any right to tell us what to do you little---, continue the man but a woman cut him.
- Maïwenn ? I look at the woman who said my name. My eyes widen.
- Lori ? A man walked right beside her. Uncle Rick ? I could feel the tears coming down my cheeks. They are still alive ! Oh my God, what- where...
- what is all this ? Ask a too familiar voice which make me dizzy. Maïwenn ?
- dad, I say sobbing and puting my hand in front of my mouth. I backed off of only few steps. Dad ! I say and run to him. His arms are wide open and ready to greet me. He embraces me and we fell on our knees on the ground.
- baby, you're alive ! You're still alive ! He says looking at me. I can't believe it. What happened to you ? How did you survived all by yourself ? Are you hurt ? Are hungry ? Thirsty ? Is there any other people with you ?
- dad, dad, I'm good just dizzy but good. Can we sit please ? I'll answer any questions then, we all sit around the fire. Dad is beside me, his gaze never leaving me. Rick and Lori are in front of us smiling and the others are around. I take off my bag from my back and put my gun down.
- so how did you manage to arrive all the way to here ? Ask a blond woman.
- hum... Like everyone, I walk and try not to get eaten. I stay on the defences. I know my dad knows those people but I don't.
- it's okay baby you can trust them, he says smiling to me.
- Maïwenn, how did you make it that far ? Ask Rick.
- I, well I met people, nice people who helped me. I met this guy, Carter, he taught me few things like how to fight, to shoot, even if I already knew a bit, how to kill, how to find food and all those kind of things. I stayed with his group until he got bit. The group got separated. I stayed alone for a week maybe and then I was found by another one but they were treating me like a slave and were even using me as a ''training walker''. They would fight with me and I would end up pretty beaten up. As I say that I watch my dad who looks at the ground pretty mad. One day, I ran away from their group and I find myself alone until I met you guys.
- what happened to your arm ? Ask a black man.
- I opened my arm by accident but I sort of stitch it few hours ago. Don't worry it is not a bit, I say to reassure them.
- you stitched yourself up alone ? Ask the blond woman.
- Yes ma'am, I answered.
- well, I'm happy you are alright Maïwenn, we really missed you here, especially your dad. Say Lori looking at my dad and I. I couldn't stop smiling and it hurts my cheeks. I never got that happy since this world turned to be a mess. Well, I'm going to bed, goodnight Maïwenn, say Lori and leaves us but not before kissing the top of my head. Rick also kisses my forehead and follows his wife. Glenn, the Asian guy, the black man, crossbowman and the blond woman do the same thing, leaving my dad an I alone.
- come on baby girl, I going to show you where to sleep, say my dad while helping me standing up. I follow him to his tent. Here you go, you can sleep in my bed, I'll take the ground.
- on no dad, it's okay I can take the floor, I'm habituate.
- no, you take the bed, I node and sit on it. He sits on the ground and watchs me. I missed you like crazy baby, I really thought something happened to you. When I got home the day it happened, you were gone and I thought my life was done but I kept going because I knew you were somewhere and I had to find you. I went everyday and everywhere looking for you. I never gave up. I swear.
- it was hard dad, I almost gave up so many times, I whisper feeling my voice crack. My dad takes me by my hips so I am sitting on his lap just like when I was a kid. I wanted to end everything so many times but I knew you would have been disappointed if I gave up so I continue my course. I kept going, killed so many walkers and saved so many lives. I sniffed and sobbed in his neck. I love you so much dad, don't ever leave me again.
- never baby doll, he says and kisses the top of my head. I put my hand on his torso when I felt something.
- you still have it, I say chuckling while touching his necklace.
- of course I do, do you remember what it represent ?
- yes, the number on your football shirt when you were in high school.
- and ?
- and the day of my birthday, I whisper. I can see that my dad is touched but he doesn't want to show it to me. He still is this strong man that I knew. Dad, I'm tired of running.
- baby, you don't have to run anymore. Now that you're here, I will look out for you. I'll protect you like I was supposed to do before. I node and kiss his cheeks. We stay like that for a moment when I fell asleep on his shoulder.

The next morning, dad woke me up and presented me to everyone. Now I at least know their names. All of them are still asking so many questions about me and my journey but I already said everything last night. I met Hershel and his family. He looked at my wound and heald it for me. He is a nice old man. Dad and I spend a lot of time together. I try to do my best and helped them as much as I can but with my arm it's hard.

I thought that I would end up eaten by one of those things like everyone but instead, life gave me a second chance with my dad.

I thought that I would end up eaten by one of those things like everyone but instead, life gave me a second chance with my dad

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