(boyfriend) Jack Shephard - Wounded

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Lola's P.O.V.

- We're never going to find anything if we keep going like that, says Charlie while closing the march. Earlier, Kate, Hurley, Charlie and I went in the jungle to find some fruits, but more importantly, to find something to create weapons. Everyone has been hearing what is in the jungle which is scaring our people. I guess it's understandable. We all crashed on a mystery island, nobody knows where we are, none of us knows where we are and all we hear is either that weird metallic thing, the whisperers or the sounds of the waves of the ocean.

- Charlie, that jungle is full of bamboo. We can sure find one already down and bring it back to the camp to create weapons or we can cut one down and do the same, I answer while following Kate. She is the one leading the march. Hurley is right behind me.

- Alright, alright, I was just saying...

- You were just saying that to go back to Claire and the baby as fast as you can, says Hurley, cutting Charlie mid sentence. I turn around and smile to the two men while Charlie stares seriously at Hurley.

- I'm just worried. I think I can worry for them with everything that is happening here, replies the man, defending himself.

- Of course, you can, Charlie, responds, Kate. However, we all stay silent, waiting for the girl to continue talking. I'd like to talk about Lola, I frown confused at her while Kate looks at me with a smirk.

- Me? I ask, looking lost at her. She nods.

- What's going on with Jack and you?

- What do you mean? I ask, playing the dumb card. Jack and I have been closer lately. I would help him more with the wounded people, he would not let me go alone in the jungle, we take care of each other,...

- Oh, come on, everyone has seen the way you two look at each other, says, Hurley, behind us. I turn around looking at him with a confused frown.

- There's nothing between us, I quickly answer, keeping walking forward.

- Yet? Asks Charlie. I don't respond and sigh, hiding a smile at the same time. I like Jack, I do but... We're lost on an island, how many chances do we have to be together? Maybe they saw wrong. Jack loves you, says Charlie.

- What? I say, shaking my head and laughing nervously.

- And you do too, replies, Hurley.

- Okay, guys, I respond laughing, amused. Jack and I are just friends, okay? There's absolutely nothing between us. And beside, how much are our chances to be together?

- So you do like him back? Questions, Kate, smiling. I was about to respond, but nothing came out. I shake my head, chuckling lightly before stopping walking. The three of them faces me.

- What if I say no?

- We will stop bugging you with this subject, she answers, her hands on her hips.

- What if I say yes?

- Then, you should tell him, says, Hurley, smiling like the others. I chuckle.

- That's ridiculous, I say while turning around to keep walking.

- There's nothing ridiculous. I mean, you love him and he loves you. Even people from miles away can see it when you too are together, Answers, Charlie.

- Hey Lol, calls me, Hurley, by my nickname, let me ask you this. What do you feel when you with him? I stop walking and turn around again, looking at all three of them one by one. They seem more than interesting in my answer. I bit my lower lip before shaking my head, looking away and chuckling nervously.

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