Stefan Salvatore - sick daughter

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Amelia's P.O.V.

When I got home from school today, I immediately went to the bathroom to take some medicine from the cabinet. I had a headache all day and kept coughing and sneezing. Unlike my dad and my uncle who are vampires, I am human and I can be sick, which sucks. My dad told me one night that I am his miracle because I wasn't supposed to be born since he can't have a child. And I am not supposed to be human as well. I should at least have a part vampire in me. But I guess things happen... Especially in the supernatural world.

I walk up to my bed, each steps being painful before I lay in it. I sigh and place the cover over my body before trying to get some sleep. It can only do good to me right now... Dad and Damon aren't here so I kind of have to deal with this alone. Each second feels like hours. My chest hurts because of all the coughing, my nose is puffy and red from blowing it each minute and I feel chills running down my body. I hate that feeling so much... Several minutes have passed and I, suddenly, hear a door being open downstairs.

- Amelia, you're here? Asks, Damon while running in the stairs. I did not even have time to answer him that he is already in my bedroom. What are you doing laying in your bed? Your dad is looking for you. Are you hibernated or something? He says smirking and joking. I don't look up at him or even crack a smile, feeling too crappy. I cough gravely which caused Damon to rush next to me. Woah, hey, you alright? Do you want some water or something? He questions with concern as he lightly frowns. I nod positively to him not feeling the energy to answer his question. Even nodding hurts... He vamp-speeds to get a glass of water and comes back.

- Thank you, I whisper. Damon helps me sitting upright before he hands me the glass. I take it and drink few swallows. I feel his cold right hand getting on my forehead.

- You're burning up, Am'! I watch him taking his phone out and calling somebody as he slides his hand to the side of my face. I don't even concentrate on what he is saying or who he is talking to, but I see him staring with worry at me. I feel his hand going back on my forehead again. I close my eyes, loving the cold feeling of his hand against my warm forehead. I cough more, breathing badly as I feel like my lungs are on fire. I hate it! Damon hangs up before he looks at me. Listen, Am', you're going to lay down a bit, take some rest and when your father comes back he will give you the medicine you need, okay, Pumpkin? He asks me, getting up from my bed and helping me to lay down. I groan lightly, just the feeling of his hands touching my body makes it aches more. I can't give you anything because we don't have any medicine. But your father is bringing some for you, he tells me, running his hand in my hair. Close your eyes and try to sleep, Mini miracle, he tells me with a faint smile as he uses my nickname. I close my eyes, feeling so tired as I have to breath by my mouth. Damon places a kiss on top of my head before he walks out of the room, letting me falling hardly asleep.

Few hours later

I open eyes, feeling even more crappy than earlier. I can't breathe at all by my nose and a violent cough just got me. I lift myself up the best I can with the small ounce of energy in my body when I feel two hands helping me. I look up, frowning confused when I see my father watching me with worried and concerned eyes. He sits next to me on the bed with a faint smile as he sees that I am awake. How long have I been sleeping? It is already black outside, telling me that the night has fallen.

- How are you feeling, Honey? He asks me gently while stroking my hair delicately.

- Daddy... I don't feel well and I'm cold, I tell him with a small voice as I begin to chartered.

- You are? Wait... He vamp-speeds to another room and rapidly brings back a blanket.

- My head hurts, dad, I complain as I hold my forehead and close my eyes at the same time.

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