Jason Dilaurentis - Trust

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The rain keeps falling on the bonnet of my dad's car. The parking of the school is already full and students are running with their bags on their head due to the rain.i exit the car just like my dad and run to the entrance of my school. My high school is full of people, it is worst than during the day. There are no more tables nor chairs in the cafeteria or the library. I leave my dad and take the main hall. Everyone stares at me because of that damn picture that someone send. I remain walking and arrive in front of three lines. It might be to give us our group like they said. I go to the right one and wait. It is so slow and those stares make me uncomfortable. I try not to think about it when I hear Hanna calling me. I turn around see the girls coming toward me.

- you decide to come ? Ask Aria surprised. I told them I wouldn't come earlier but plans changed.
- I didn't really have choice, I chuckle. I look at a group of people looking at me. I look down.
- do you have a problem ? Ask Spencer mad. They all continue laughing.
- don't care about them. They don't have anything else to do of their life, tell me Emily.
- right, is all I say.
- Mrs. Marin, Mrs. Fields, can you please go to this line to help ? The two moms obey to our principal. And Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Hastings can you please put those in every rooms ? That would help a lot, continue my principal.

The girls and I get our number and go directly to our group. I search for my class and find it less than five minutes. There are at least ten people inside already. Chairs are put in a circle. I sit on one of them when Caleb enter the class. Hallelujah ! He sits beside me and takes his phone out. At least I'm not alone. I am also on my phone when a familiar stick noise is heard. My eyes widen and I turn around to discover Jenna. Caleb looks at me just like I do. Everyone gets on the side and lets her pass. She sits right in front of us. No more chairs are empty and Mrs. Hastings enters the room followed by...

- you got to be kidding me, I whisper.
- why ? Who's that ? Ask Caleb.
- Jason Dilaurentis. Alison's older brother, I tell him, not saying the whole truth.
- why is he staring at you ?
- I don't know. Maybe because I was Ali's friend, I answer him. I try not to look at Jason but it's hard. I can feel his gaze.
- alright, Hi everybody, I'm Mrs. Hastings and this is Mr. Dilaurentis. We will be your chaperon for tonight. If you need to go to the restrooms, if you need to go get some water, or anything else, ask one of us. She seems as uncomfortable as I am. Okay, Mr. Dilaurentis is going to distribute a piece of paper to each one of you with a pencil. I would like you to answer all the following questions. If you don't know what to put, then don't put anything. Don't worry, it's not going to be long. When you're done, please put the chair over there in the corner.

Jason distributes the papers and the pencils. He starts by Jenna and comes more and more closer to Caleb and I. I look everywhere but him. I hate him for going away and not saying anything. He promised me that he would never do it again and he did it. He hands a paper and a pencil to Caleb and then me. I take it and start to read the questions without even looking at him or thanking him. The class stayed silent for at least 15 minutes. We all have back our papers and pencils one by one and take the chairs off. We got in line and Mrs. Hastings and Mr. Dilaurentis stand in front of us. Jason keeps staring at me. I try not to cross his gaze but it's hard.

- okay, now, I would like you to answered those questions. Step one time if you agree or stay at your place if you don't, she says while looking at everyone eyes in the eyes. Alright, let's start. Step one time if you don't want to be here, we all step one time. Good, step one time if you ever felt threaten by another student or an employee. Six people step one time. I step two times. Devon, it's only one by one, I step back and sigh. Alright, now step one time if you think that the school isn't protecting you or give a warm welcome. I'm the only one to step in front and I step two times again. Devon, I said one step please.
- I'm sorry Mrs.Hastings but one isn't enough. The school isn't protecting anyone and doesn't give any warm welcome. I don't feel good here, I don't feel secure.
- what do you mean Devon ? She asks trying to understand my point. I frown and look at Jason quickly. His eyes are the same as Mrs.Hastings.
- for some people and some reasons, the school becomes worst and worst everyday. I used to like going to school until I understand that a single mistake can destroy your life and people keep judging you. They listen to the rumors that some others think is funny to spread and everyone believes it. They don't even try to know if they are true or not.
- I see, she simply answers. Jason keeps staring at me a bit list of what I just said.

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