(father) Stefan Salvatore - High school dance night

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Enid's P.O.V.

I finish preparing myself in my bathroom after I put on my dress for tonight's dance. I'm excited for tonight! I love events like this one, even if it is just a commun thing to do at school. The music, the dances, the joy, people dancing around and laughing, wearing costumes,... It's just so fun! I spray some perfume on my neck before smiling to my reflection. I think I am ready! I exit my bathroom and enter my bedroom to go grab my shoes. I sit on my bed and put them on before walking downstairs with my phone in my hand. I text Caroline who seems tensed up. I know she organized the dance, as always, and wants it perfect... Which it always is. I arrive to the bottom of the stairs and discover my father in his smoking, talking with my uncle in the living room. Uncle Damon isn't coming with us tonight. He says that he has other things to do... I wonder what though...

- And the Princess has just arrive, jokes, my uncle who has just spotted me. I smile as he approaches me with a smile as well. You look splendid Pumpkin, compliments me, Damon, while hugging me.

- Thanks, Uncle D, I thank him, lightly giggling as he pulls away.

- I'm out. Going to terrorise the neighborhood, says, my uncle while imitating a killer. I roll my eyes annoyed but smile amused.

- Damon, complains, dad with an annoyed sigh.

- Relax, brother, I was kidding, replies, Damon while opening the front door. You two have a good time at the dance, he says before leaving. I keep smiling before looking at dad who approaches me, smiling.

- Aren't you supposed to go pick Elena up? I ask him, frowning confused and still lightly smiling.

- I am, nods, my father while standing in front of me. Even with my heels, I am still small next to him.

- But you're going to be late, dad, I respond after checking time on my phone.

- Are you throwing me out of my own house? jokes, my father while giggling. I laugh as well and shake my head.

- No, of course not. I'm just telling you, dad, I respond, still smiling to dad.

- Are you sure you don't want me to bring you the dance? demands gently, dad as he replaces a lock of my hair behind my ear.

- No, Alex is supposed to arrive in... I look at my phone again, seeing it is almost time for my date to arrive, less than two minutes now.

- Mmh, that's why you're throwing me out of the house, replies, dad while smirking.

- What? No! I exclaim as I laugh again.

- It's noted, baby, jokes, my father while walking towards the front door.

- No, dad. I promise it's not why I said it, I reply, following him and still lightly laughing.

- I playing with you, Honey, responds, dad while turning around to look at me again. I'll see you at the dance then, I nod, smiling happily. Dad opens the front door while kissing my cheek and passing his left arm in my back to embrace me. If he doesn't tell you, you look beautiful when he arrives, I'll pay him a visit later, jokes, dad before winking at me. I shake my head amused, while still smiling.

- Alright, you're going to be late, I say while chuckling. Dad exits the boarding house and enters his red car before driving away to Elena's. I close the front door and enter the living-room to go sit on the sofa. An hour and a half later, Alex still hasn't arrived yet. I am still sitting on the sofa, drinking a glass of Bourbon while listening to some music at a low volume. The flames are dancing in the fireplace. I take my phone and call Alex for the twelfth time. Beeping... more beeping... voicemail. Alex, it's me... again. Where are you? Did you forget to come pick me up? Call me back, please, I say in the voicemail before hanging up. I sigh, bored, upset and sadly. I grab the bottle of bourbon and pour myself another drink. He's not coming anyway...

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