(father) Alaric Saltzman - I love you, baby

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Alaric's P.O.V.

- Have you seen Ginny? I thought she was waiting for me at school but she wasn't there, I ask and state to Caroline with a confused and concerned tone after entering my home. The blonde is standing in the kitchen, cooking.

- She's in her bedroom. She locked herself almost an hour ago, answers, Care to me, faintly smiling as she looks up at me.

- Thanks, I thank her, nodding before rushing up the stairs.

Gynnifer's P.O.V.

I am laying on my bed, my bedroom plunge in a deep silence as I stare outside through the window. I know I shouldn't be here. I should be at school, waiting for my father to come pick me up. But I guess he might have forgotten... I waited for almost an hour, watching other students taking buses or playing sports outside. Some were leaving with their parents, some stayed for their homework, some played and some even mocked me. But that's the usual... Everything seems difficult lately. At school, there is that girl, Lacey, who keeps belittling me, insulting me, mocking me in public whenever she can... Last time, I was at my locker, getting some stuff. When I closed it, I turned around to exit the school as it was the end of the day, but she came and gave a hit in my stuff, causing me to drop all of them. And like it wasn't enough, she tripped me, making me fall down before everyone. Oh, there was also this time at lunch when I was walking toward a table, alone. However, Lacey came in my way and pushed the tray up, causing it to spill all over my clothes. Those are the least of what she did... But recounting everything will be too long. Hearing and suffering those mocks, those people laughing at me, being alone, it's hard. It makes me feel like I am a stranger, different in a wrong way, not like them, not normal... But if it could only be the problem. Before, when I came back home from school, dad was always with me, spending time with me, reassuring me, talking and laughing with me, showing me few of his tricks and all. He always knew how to make me think of something else. But lately, it's been different. With Caroline pregnant of the twins, he's been more apart, distant. I'm not blaming Caroline nor the babies and dad probably doesn't even remark that he has taken some distant lately. And I don't know if he will ever see it... I guess I'll just have to take it on me. I'm scared that he will forget me, that he will not care about me anymore. Stupid, I know... But I always had only him in my life before and now I'll have to share him. I sigh and sniff sadly as I wipe a tear rolling down my face. Suddenly, I hear the door of my bedroom getting opened. Usually, I would look at who it is, but this time I don't feel like it. I don't want to talk.

- Ginny? I hear my father calling me with a gentle tone. He is back... I keep my back turned to him and stay silent. My father quietly sighs before laying behind me, passing an arm around my waist. Hey baby, are you feeling okay? I came late, I'm sorry, but I was waiting for you at school, he whispers to me, using the same calm and gentle tone.

- Go away, dad. I don't want to talk, I reply in a whisper, feeling a new tear rolling down my face. My back is still facing him as I feel him looking down at me.

- How was school today? He softly asks, ignoring my comment.

- Doesn't matter... I whisper again before lightly clearing my throat.

- Did that Lacey girl bothered you again? Do I have to go see her parents? He questions seriously and with concern as I know he is trying to make some talk. I sigh sadly and annoyed when I feel him wiping my tears away.

- No, it's not that... I reply before lightly moving away from him, pouting like a kid. But dad comes closer to me, holding me by my waist again.

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