(father) Stefan Salvatore - You scared me, baby

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Mabelle's P.O.V.

- Go to your room! Screams madly at me, dad, as the both of us just entered the boarding house. My father is angry at me because I went to the Grill to join some friends when he strikly forbidden me from going there. Don't ask why... Let's just say I haven't behave my best lately.

- Don't worry, there's nowhere else I'd rather be right now, I scream back, as I run up the stairs followed by dad.

- Do not talk to me that way, Mabelle! I'm your father, you respect me and you respect and obey when I tell you to not go somewhere! If I forbidden you from going there, it's because it is dangerous and I have my reasons, keeps screaming dad with angriness. I enter my bedroom, frowning madly before throwing my shoes at the end of my bed. Mabell, look at me when I'm talking to you, I don't look at him and keep pacing around madly. Look at me! He screams, again. I stop walking and look up at him. His face is red of anger and his eyes are so dark that it almost lost all the green color. You'll stay at the boarding house until I tell you so. You can't go to town or to the Grill or anywhere for three weeks. After school, you'll come back here immediately. And...

- Dad, I get it, please, I cut him, stepping twice forward. His eyes shoots me a glare, warning me to stop.

- And, I want your daylight ring, I stare at him for a moment, seeing if he is really serious. I lightly scoff, cracking a small awkward smile.

- You're kidding, right?

- Your ring, Mabelle. Don't make me repeat, he repeats, holding his hands up, waiting for me to put it in his.

- If I give you my ring, I won't be able to go to school, I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

- Mabelle, don't play that game with me. Give me your ring or you'll stay here until I decide so, I sigh as I lightly roll my eyes. I take my ring off of my finger and give it to him. Now, think about the way you behave lately and come downstairs when everyone will be here, he tells me before walking out of my bedroom, almost slamming the door.

I sigh and turn around before throwing myself into my bed. How could he do that to me? I mean grounding me... Okay, that's understandable. Taking my phone away... It would have been understandable too. My music... Almost understandable. But my ring... I need it EVERYDAY! I sigh again while getting off my bed and walk to my desk. I need to write a bit in my journal. It will make me think of something else at least. I sit on the chair and open my journal while resting my feet on the desk. I know, "we don't put our feet on tables or desks". My room, my rules. I open drawer next to me to grab a pen when a sudden pain hits me in my chest, cutting my breath. I drop the journal down while gasping while touching my chest with ma right hand. It hurts so much! I try to breath but the pain is so intense... Suddenly, the pain disappears, letting me retake my breath. I lightly cough when I hear my door getting open.

- You're alright, Belle? I hear my uncle asking me, using my nickname. I heard you coughing.

- No, I'm fine, I answer, lying and not looking at him.

- Heard your conversation with your dad. Kinda rough. You should go easy with him, Mabelle. All your father wants, is for you to be safe and fine, you know? He tells me, nodding. I don't look at him, but I can see his reflection in the window. I am still holding my chest.

- I know, I only respond.

- Are you sure you're okay? You're... Quiet, says, my uncle, stepping a bit more in my room.

- I'm fine. Just tired, suddenly, I hear car doors from outside getting open and closed.

- Seems like our guests have arrived. Come downstairs. We need you, he tell me, walking to the exit of my room.

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