Toby Curtis (DadXdaughter) Under water

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Earlier, Walter and his sister went to the beach so I asked him if he could bring me there for a science project. I have to find different kind of rocks for my test. Walter got the car loaded while I hug and kiss my dad before going. My dad is Tobias Curtis. He is working at the Garage with Walter O'Brien, Happy Quinn, Sylvester Dodd, Cabe Gallo et Paige Dineen. They all are geniuses except Paige who translate the world to them and Cabe who is an agent. Toby, my dad, isn't really my dad. He adopted me when I was four years old but he is the only man I ever have as a dad figure in my life so to me, he is my real dad.

- You'll be careful back there, he says like I was going somewhere dangerous.
- T., I never really called him dad, I'm just going at the beach and Im not even going into the water.
- I know. Oh by the way, Alex called last night.
- Wait what ? And you didn't tell me ? I say pissed at him. Alex is a good friend but recently it kind of been flirty between us.
- Well, you know what I think about him and you together, he says while going back to his desk.
- Yes, but you could have told me and hand me the phone. I say walking right in front of him. I should have never told you that things were going flirty between him and I. You've been acting like he is going to break me.
- He will, he says looking at me straight in the eyes.
- How do you know that ?
- I was his age Lola, I know what boys do with girls.
- Maybe but you don't have the right to decide if I can or not see him. My...
- Oh, yes I do, I'm your father and if I think that this boy isn't good for you, it's because I have a reason. I could feel the others staring at us.
- Well, I have scoop for you, first, my heart didn't choose to fall in love with this boy and second biologically, you're not my dad. I widen my eyes when I realize what I just said. His face is decomposed. I can't believe I just said something like that. I wasn't thinking. Toby..
- You should go Lola, he says and stands up walking away at the back of the garage. I feel the tears in my eyes but I don't let them rolling down. I know Paige saw it but I don't care. I enter Walter's car and he drives to the beach where his sister is waiting.


I am looking for some rock but I can't find any. At our beach, there is a big boulder and from what my teacher told the class, there are some empty space inside. Some are full of water though. It's been an hour since I am looking for some rocks, so I decide to sit down a bit. I'm at the top of the boulder and the view is amazing with the wave crashing on the sand. Walter is watching me over his place. His sister and him are eating together. I look at my phone to see if I received a message from the team but nothing. I sigh and send a message to my dad. I know he isn't going to answer but I want to tell him that I shouldn't have said that and that I'm sorry. It isn't true what I say. I try to call him five times but he didn't answer. I left four messages and, like the calls, he didn't answer. I let a long breath escape my mouth and stand up to climb down the boulder. A kid few years younger than I am is there.

- Hey, what are you looking for ? I ask him smiling.
- I'm just exploring. We never expect what to find, he says still looking down.
- That's true. I keep smiling while continue climbing down when I feel the earth move. An earthquake ? I hear the boy screaming and see him falling into the boulder while I fall back into the sea. Pieces of rock fall into the sea which make me go even more under water. I swim away until reaching the surface. The waves are pretty strong and they caused me to get back under water. I gain the surface again and try to swim to the shore. I hear a woman screaming but also Walter.

- LOLA !!! LOLAAA !! he yelled. I keep swimming until reaching the sand. LOLAA, WHERE ARE YOU ? LOLAAAAA !!
- Walter, over here ! I try to scream. I cough gravely. I must have got some water inside me when I fell into the sea. I walk with difficulty  to the dry part of the sand before running to Walter. Walter ! He turns around and runs to me. I take him in my arms which surprised him. He embraces me too after few seconds.
- Are you alright ? Why are you all wet ? Did you fall into the sea ? he asks while looking at me and puting wet hair away from my face. He examines my head but I stop him.
- I was climbing down when an earthquake happened. I fell into the water but I'm alright. He nodes when we hear the woman scream again. He takes his phone and calls Cabe to tell him to come over with the others.

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