Rick Grimes (daughterXdad) - a death and a new born

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After my dad stabbed Uncle Shane and my little brother, Carl, killed him when he came back as a walker, they were on there way toward the Greene's farm. Unfortunately they were not alone. That night was awful. In few minutes, hundreds of walkers arrived from nowhere and they were attacking us. Dad and Carl were hiding in the farm and they had to burn it with all of those things inside. I was in Shane's car driving, while Glenn and Maggie... Or more Glenn were shooting at some walkers. Daryl was on his bike like always, killing walkers as well and leading us outside the property. My step mother, Carol, Beth and Hershel were all in the other car behind Daryl. I remember I was zigzagging between the walkers as I saw Andrea getting tackle down by a walker. Some of Hershel's family members got bite. I screamed but it didn't help much, of course. I didn't know where dad and Carl were but I was hoping they were okay. I finally regain the road and we all followed Daryl until coming back to the highway we were before staying at the ancien Greene's farm. I parked the car and Maggie and Glenn got out running to the others. I saw everyone but not my dad not Carl. I stayed inside the car crying. I looked up to see Lori hugging Carl. My car door got opened and I saw my dad with watery eyes. I took off my sit bell and exit the car to hug him tightly.

- I was so scared that something happened to you dad, I whisper crying in his arms.

- I'm okay darling, I'm okay, he shushed me and we're rocking us back and forth lightly.

Few seconds later, we both walked back to the group and decided to drive until finding somewhere safe. It took us months and during this time, I learned that my step mother is pregnant with Shane's or dad's baby. I wasn't so shocked when they announced it to me because I know Lori did things with Shane and my dad too but I would have thought that they used protection, especially in this world.

The cold was setting in more and more every days and nights and it was getting harder for us to find food, water or anything to help us survive. But luckily, dad spotted a prison not far from here. We walked there and killed all the walkers that were hanging around. That night we stayed outside again but we were happy and safe which is rare those days. I approached my dad who was walking near the fence.

- dad, why are you staying here? Come near the group. Plus it's freezing here, the fire will warm you up.

- I'm okay baby, he smile as he passes an arm in my back to warm me up. I was thinking.

- about what ? The way we will get inside tomorrow? Or about the baby?

- both actually, I see him looking down and sighing. He has so much pressure on his shoulders now. Much more than before.
I put my hand on his shoulder before hugging him. You know what baby, let's get back to the group. I think we've done enough for today. The both of us walked back to the group and we kept talking before sleeping.

The next day, we entered the prison and cleared it as well. Dad, Daryl, T-Dog and Glenn found four prisoners alive but absolutely not aware of what is going on outside those walls. My father told us to not approached them. We all have a cellular as a bedroom.

I was laying on my bed when Lori came to talk to me. I never really got along with my step mother but my dad taught me respect.

- can I come in? She asked gently.

- sure, I answer while sitting up so she can sit as well.

- look, I know you and I never really got along and I get that. I do but you're Rick's daughter and my step daughter so I'll do anything to protect you. I node and frown.

- I don't get where you're going.

- well, you know the baby is coming soon and... She has watery eyes. Camille, if something happens to me, will you please take care of her/him like I would? I'm not asking you to be a mom to her or him but...

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