08. Deja Vu

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Brandon's P.O.V.
2 days before Christmas.

"Cmon Shaye!  That movie wasn't even all that scary." I laughed as a terrified Shaye and I exited the LA Movie Theater. The both of us had just finished seeing The Conjuring 2 and all Shaye did throughout the movie was jump and bury her face into my shoulder. I wasn't even sure if she actually watched the movie from how often she did that. "Besides if you knew you hated scary movies, why would you agree to come see it with me?"

Shaye rolled her eyes as we got into my Range. "Because I thought I was ready to face my fears."

I couldn't hide how amused I was at my sports agent as I started up my Range and pulled out of the LA Theater's parking garage.I hadn't noticed how bad it was raining until we were outside of the garage and on the streets on LA. Not to mention the streets were starting to flood slightly.

"So what did Kai think of the necklace?" Shaye asked.

"She loved it." I grinned as I thought of the sight of Kai earlier wearing the necklace I brought her with her initials engraved into it. I wished I could have gave it to her differently instead of her actually stumbling upon when I was basically too drunk to function. Regardless, if she liked that, I knew I was going to blow her mind tomorrow morning when she see's her Christmas gift.

"What did I tell you? You could go ahead and give me my props now." Shaye boasted.

I chuckled as I worked my way through the LA traffic in the rain. "Nah I'll give you your props when you admit I'm a better baller than you."

"Why would I lie like that?" Shaye laughed. "C'mon now. We both know I would give you that work on the court."

"I don't know anything."

"Need a reminder? Because it's nothing for us to hit the gym around the corner from your home right now." Shaye said confidently.

I shook my head thinking back to all the energy I put into last night's practice with the team and my shooting coach. The way my knees were feeling, I knew Shaye would easily show me up in a game of 21.

"Nah I think I'll passed." I told her.

A grinning Shaye sucked in a breath in mock shock. "What's the matter Brandon? Can't handle it?"

I glanced over at her strangely. "I always know what I can handle."

"So do I." She said the corner of her lips forming into a even bigger grin before she turned to look out the window.

The car was silent for a minute, with Shaye too lost in her thoughts and me trying to focus on the road in front of us. A couple minutes later, I finally pulled up in front of Shaye's apartment building. 

"You up for something fun on your day off?" Shaye questioned with a mischievous smirk on her face.

"Depends on what you mean by 'fun'." I replied.

"Just come up for a bit." Shaye said grabbing her purse and getting ready to hop out of the Range.

"I don't know Shaye. I kind of have to get back to my moms and Kai."

"Please, B." She pleaded. "I promise it's nothing to crazy."

"Ok. But only for a hour. Then I have to bounce."  I told her turning the car off and following behind her. Something told me whatever Shaye had in mind was probably not going to be good.

Kai's P.O.V.

"Mama I really like this one!" I exclaimed as I pointed to this beautifully patterned dress in the Nigerian wedding catalog.

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