11. Transitions

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Kai's POV
2 weeks later

"Brandon?! What is taking you so long with the bottle?" I yelled downstairs while bouncing our crying baby boy, Khalil.

These past few weeks have been absolutely crazy. I knew caring for a newborn would be challenging seeing as I helped with my baby brother back in high school but caring for two newborns took the whole thing to another level. I think it's the fact that it was nearly impossible to get the both of them on one accord that was really getting to us.

If one was dry the other one would be wet or poopy. If one was smiling and giggling, the other one would be frowning and fussy. If one was sleeping and content, the other one would be screaming bloody murder for a bottle.

The whole thing was exhausting and caused both B & I to run around like chickens with our heads cut off. We didn't even have to time to process the breakup because we went into full on parenting mode the second we left the hospital.

"Here." B said finally coming into the room with Kahlil's bottle.

I quickly grabbed the bottle and placed the nipple in Kahlil's mouth. He instantly calmed down and began to feed. The newfound silence was a relief. All that screaming was causing me to go crazy.

"What took you so long?" I asked B turning to see he had collapsed out on the other side of our bed.

"I fell asleep ..... standing up.... making the bottle." He mumbled putting emphasis on the standing up part. That had been happening a lot to the both of us these past few days.

"Is Kali good?"

"Yes Kai, she's still sleeping in her crib." He said sounding agitated now. I decided to leave him alone and let him get some sleep since he was due to the Staples center to practice in a couple of hours.

At least one of us was getting some sleep. I thought to myself as I looked down at our baby boy in my arms. He was almost done with the bottle and starting to nod off his self. I waited until the bottle was empty before placing it on the nightstand and putting Kahlil on my chest to burp him.

Once he burped, I went to lay him down in his crib. He whined a little before settling down and drifting back to sleep. One look over at Kali's crib confirmed she was still sleeping like Brandon had said.

I knew it wouldn't last long so I hurried back into B and I's bedroom to catch some Z's before it was too late.

I wasn't even in bed for minute before B's phone started to go off. B heard it and woke up to grab it. I glanced over to see who was calling but I couldn't make out the contact name.

"Yeah?" B said groggily.

I'm guessing whoever was on the other side of the phone surprised B because he sat up quick, practically bolting up.

"Oh hey. . . Yeah.... Well I can meet you at the shop across from the staples center in a hour or two." He said looking over at the time. "Bet. See you there."

B sounded too ecstatic for someone who was just too tired to function a few minutes ago. I started to ask who it was but quickly realized he wasn't my man anymore. I didn't have a right to question him unless it pertained to the kids so I just let it go and closed my eyes to seek out some sleep.


Brandon's POV

Two hours after I got the call from Shaye, I pulled up in front of the coffee shop across from the Staples center. I can't lie I was surprised when she called saying she wanted to talk.

It's been 2 weeks since the incident with her and Kai. I assumed she hadn't reached out because she was still mad at Kai and I. But I'm glad she did because there was some things I had to say to her but I didn't know how to go about it.

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