20. Testing Boundaries

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Kai's POV1 month later

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Kai's POV
1 month later

I felt like a chicken running around with my head cut off as I spent the past 4 weeks preparing for my housewarming. I knew I was stressing too much for such a small event but I wanted to make sure everything was in order.

It's now 8 pm and I was setting the pizza and wings down on my kitchen's counter. I pulled out 8 wine glasses and set the champagne in a bucket of ice. I then placed the bottles of liquor across the counter.

I frowned when my apartment's doorbell went off. I had told everyone to be here at 9 which was a hour from now.

I made my way to the door to look out the peephole. I smiled immediately seeing Michael standing on the other side.

"Hey." I said once the door was open.

Michael grinned before reaching down to pull me into hug. I sighed from good he smelled.

"Hey baby." He said after we pulled away. I took a second to take him in. He had a fresh cut and wore a Dodge baseball jersey with light jeans and some blue and white Jordan 3s. He accessorized it with a gold chain and gold watch. To say he looked good would be an understatement. The man was fine as fuck.

I stepped aside to let him in. "You're early."

Michael picked up a large gift wrap box before coming inside.

"I know. We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks so I wanted some alone time with you before everyone piled in." He explained.

I blushed at Michael's statement. With Mike's busy work schedule, and me taking care of the twins plus prepping for the housewarming, it was nearly impossible for us to make plans to see each other. We still FaceTimed every night which caused us to grow closer and closer.

"Aww so you missed me?" I asked him.

"Yeah I did. I got your gift too." He said handing over the box.

"What is it?" I inquired before starting to tear into the wrap. I gasp in shock once I saw it was. It's was the dual basket air fryer. I had remembered mentioning to Mike a few days ago but I didn't expect for him to go buy it for me. "Awww thank you so much baby."

"You welcome bae." He grinned. "You going to give me a tour of your place?"

I nodded and took Mike's hand in mine and led him into the kitchen. I poured him and myself a glass of champagne before I started to show him around the apartment.

After the tour the both of us laid across my bed and just started to catch each other up on our day.

"So how you think tonight is going to go with your ex and everything?" Michael asked.

I took a sip of my champagne before responding. "Hopefully good."

"You don't think he might act a little jealous seeing us together?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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